Chapter 9: Rampage

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Negan's POV

    "Negan, sir, we can't find her. We looked everywhere throughout the night."
    "Well look harder!"

  I was so fuckin' fed up with this shit. I couldn't lose Arabella... Not again. This was all complete and utter bullshit. Rick and his gang of pussies decided to pull that little ambush and take my fucking wife? I've gotta give him credit though, I honestly didn't think he had the balls to do it.

    "Listen up, you lousy sacks of shit! Search again! Keep fuckin' looking and don't leave one damn stone unturned. If we don't find her by sunset, than grab your balls and get ready because we're bringin' hell-fire to Alexandria!" I waved Lucille in the air to get my point across.

   In the middle of my piss storm, it really hit me that Arabella was probably with them, hurting. She was kidnapped before I could even explain everything to her. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned. Just remembering the broken look on her face when she saw Amber kissing me, it fuckin' kills me. "Fuck..." I tiredly rubbed my face.

    I wish I could just go back in time to that night and tell her to stay at that dinner table with me. Arabella was giving me a great offer that I couldn't turn down, but if we never split up that night, I never would've had that shitty encounter with Amber. I should've fuckin' had Arabella stay instead of letting my dick control my mind... As usual.

    As if that wasn't enough shit on my plate, the sanctuary was in a pretty bad shape, so I had workers help to clean it up and get it back in order. I knew that as soon as this damned commotion settled down, I'd need to come up with a plan to take Rick down. That fucker can destroy my sanctuary, but taking Arabella is where he crosses the line.

Arabella's POV

    "Arabella, sweetie, wake up."

  My eyes slowly fluttered open to see my mom standing beside my bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked in a soft voice.

    "Like shit." I replied. As soon as I tried to sit up, a huge burst of pain stroke through my shoulder like lightning. This arrow wound was going to be the death of me, I swore by it. "When did you start using such profane language? I don't remember you saying stuff like that!" My mom replied.

    I didn't say a word because I knew where I got that habit from... Perhaps who I got it from is a better way to put it. Thinking about him made that same broken feeling creep back up on me, so I tried to distract myself with this useless conversation. "I don't know. I need relievers and I'm starving."

    "Okay... There's some food downstairs ready for you. I have to go handle gate duty and make sure there's no walkers trying to flood into this place. Daryl's still down there waiting for you, so if you need help just holler at him."
     "Are you serious? Why him?"
     "Bells, what do you have against him?"
     "He's a dick!"

  She glared at me once that "profane" word escaped my lips. "Stop saying that nonsense! It's not lady-like, I'll see you later."

    "You must've forgotten that I'm a grown woman, mom." I replied.

    "Still!... Oh and Rick is gonna pop in later too. He wants to have a little talk with you." She spoke as she walked out of the bedroom.

   "He's a dick too!" I said loud enough for her to here me out in the hallway. "And so is Negan," was her response.

   I stared at the ceiling in utter silence. Well, she was right I guess. But I couldn't help but think about what Negan was trying to tell me before I ran off. Was he trying to explain to me what really happened, or was he just trying to to come up with some lie as to why they were kissing? Maybe there was more to it that I didn't know.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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