4. Essence

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~ Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. ~



Tom finally opened his eyes after an entire day.

A shock went through my body as I saw his eyes. It was as though someone had replaced his eyes. They were still the same green colour - still almond shaped. But the life that had always - always twinkled in them was gone.

I used to call that life his eyes' essence and to me it felt like his essence had seeped out - leaving behind nothing but emptiness.

Still shocked to see this, I couldn't say anything. Eventually, he himself broke the silence, "Eric? What are you doing here?" he croaked.

"What does it look like?" I raised an eyebrow, "I'm here to see my old best friend. I don't talk to you for what? A year? And the next thing I hear is you tried to commit suicide?"

Tom chuckled bitterly, "Tried. But it seems like everyone wants to continue to see me in torture. Can't even let me escape."

"Tom," I say firmly, "This is not the solution! And no one wants to see you being tortured. We all care about you."

"If you care then end this for me. Let me die. I can not do this. I can not live without Elise."



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