5. Baby Girl

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~ So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane. ~

~John Green


"What about your daughter? What about that baby girl? She lost her mother and now you want her to lose her father too?" I asked.

Upon hearing this, Tom squeezed his eyes shut. Tears still found their way out...

"I'm - I'm a terrible father!" he began sobbing, "Terrible - terrible father!"

"No! No, you're not! You're just heart broken." I tried to calm him down. These were not my intentions - I did not want him to go down the guilt trip.

"Tom, listen to me. You're just heart broken. You'll heal!"

Gulping hard, he wiped a hand over his eyes, pushing away the tears, shaking his head, silently disagreeing. He said nothing else that day.


I had only met Elise three times in my life. The first time being a month after Tom had started dating her. They had decided to take a trip to Las Angeles. And it was Tom and my - best friend slash brother pact to always meet up when in town.

It was then that I met this big brown eyed women. Her hair the most darkest shade of blonde, in fact they looked nearly bronze in the sunlight. Along her, I saw my best friend, whose eyes barely left her, whose grin annoyingly huge and permanently pasted on his face. There was something in his eyes - a hazy daze? That was when I found out what a guy in love looked like. I knew, just as he did, that she was the one for him.

The second time was when they got engaged and the third and what I never thought would be last was on their wedding day.

But that afternoon, when Tom went to sleep, his mother, Julie, led me to her home for the night. There I saw Elise for the fourth time.

The little baby girl was a spitting image of her mother. Those same huge brown eyes. That same shade of bronze hair.

A true reflection of Elise.



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