7. Eight

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~ We touch other people's lives simply by existing. ~

~J.K. Rowling


I woke up next morning in Julie's guest room. It had been so long since I had lived in NYC.

High school felt ages ago. In a manner, it was. It had been eight years.

With this very odd thought in mind I headed towards the kitchen. Not at all expecting to hear the voice flowing out of it.

A voice I had heard eight years ago for the last time. A voice I would never ever forget.

Composing myself from the initial shock I made my way inside and there she stood beside Julie, Tom's daughter craddled in her arms. Her velvety black hair flowing all the way to her back. She looked up as I entered and I saw her hazel-green eyes after what felt like an eternity. I couldn't help but stare. She was just as beautiful as she had ever been. No, she had gotten tenfolds more - aging ever so gracefully.

"Eric." She greeted, a small smile lighting up her face.

I could not reply, just stare.

"Good Morning, Eric." Julie greeted me, "Rose got home after you went to bed." she informed.

"Ah- home?" I uttered, not sure with where I was going.

"Mother’s home." Rose clarified, "Well actually, I did kind of move back in last month. Mum needed help with Little Ellie here. With Tom not being okay." she explained.

"Oh." I managed to reply.

Julie busied herself in making breakfast for me. I still could not take my eyes off Rose.

She raised an eyebrow in question.

I shook my head slightly, "It's good to see you, Rose." I confessed.

"It's good to see you too, Eric."



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