6. Knot

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~ I'm not just falling in love with you, I'm falling into you. You're an ocean and I'm falling in the depths of who you are. ~



Tom's P.O.V ~

My eyes fluttered open as the very first ray of sunshine crossed my window and found its way on my face.

I sat up bolt. A smile blossoming on my face. Today was the day. My day.

Checking the clock I decided it was too early, maybe a bit more of sleep would do me good. Especially after the sleepless night I had had. But rolling back on my pillow, I could not force myself to fall asleep again. I was way too excited for today.

I was getting married.

And not just married.

I was getting married to the love of my life.

Ah, I was a victim of Cupid. A very accepting victim. The moment he caused its love-infected arrow to hit my bum. I surrendered. Whole-heartedly.

Who couldn't, really? When paired with an angel dropped from heaven itself?

Elise made me believe in soul mates. It was obvious from the first time I met her. That we had a connection. A thread tied to each other. We were meant to be.

And now, we were making that connection official.

Tying the Knot finally.



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