Last Day At School

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After Chloe left, Nicole, Olivia and I went to the cafeteria for lunch. It was a really odd feeling to sit at the 'popular' table, like I said both odd and good.  Nicole got a sandwhich while Olivia got a salad as she was on a 'crash' diet and I ordered a mix of junk and healthy food. I felt awkward as Nicole and Olivia chatted amongst themselves while I had nothing to contribute. I wished I had brought my medieval romance book, so I could atleast read it to pass the time. " What do your parents do, Emma?", Nicole's voice broke me out of my thoughts, " Uh, sorry,what?" " What do your folks do?"

" My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a blogger.."

" No way! A blogger? That's so cool"

"Yeah..what about yours?"

" Both my parents are in real estate, that's how they met even, in a real estate building!", Nicole giggled. I smiled as I sipped my orange juice, " I guess I could think of becoming a blogger too, plus I could do it part time too, seriously though, your mom is so cool", she commented, " Thanks, real estate is impressive too, I guess someone must be really rich", I raised my eyebrows and smirked. Nicole chuckled but did not deny.

At that moment a sweaty Mason came into view, clearly from his basketball practice. Behind him, to my glee, followed Shawn. He was wearing a skimpy off white tank and navy blue basketball shorts, his tanned skin glistened with perspiration and his black hair were damp, giving him a sexier look than usual, if it was possible. A good deal of his biceps and even pecs were visible, almost to the point of what would be considered 'provocative', atleast for me. I quickly averted my rude ogling to my food and chewed furiously, to appear busy. Mason approached us and quickly drew a chair, " Hi", he looked at all of us, glancing a second more at me than others, in suprise.

Shawn followed and did the same, " Hi Nicole, Olivia-", he smiled until his eyes locked with mine. He was shocked, he blinked and his eyebrows furrowed, " Emma?", he almost whispered and then rapidly looked at his peers to explain his confusion.All of them were smilling, indicating they knew me. But then he grinned, " You are sitting with us?", he asked enthusiastically, " Where is your friend? Was everything okay after I left?"

" Slow down, bruv", Mason slapped Shawn on the back," She and Chloe were sitting with us in English and then she had history with the girls", he explained. Shawn made an "ohhh" sound and smiled at me again ," Yeah she is quite a history nerd, this one", he smirked.

" We know, she is tutoring us at her place tonight", Olivia joined in.

Mason and Shawn turned to me," Really?", I nodded, " Well God knows you girls need it", Shawn jeered as Nicole made a nasty face at him.

" Where is Chloe?", Mason inquired.

" She won't attending the rest of the classes", I answered as I finished my lunch.

" Even we won't, we have cheerleading practice now", Olivia told me.

Uh-oh. So I would be alone for the rest of the day. Jeez, now I really wished I had brought my book along. " Don't worry, Mason and I are going to attend the rest of the classes" Shawn reassured me. I set out a sigh of relief, atleast I was not going to be alone for now...

" But we have to shower before the classes, so we would be heading to the locker room now"

or maybe not....

" I have to go to the library, I have a book or two to issue", I lied

He got up from his seat, " I'll accompany you, Mason is gonna eat first", he rolled his eyes. Mason looked at him, defensively," Don't know about you but this athlete gotta keep up his appetite", he flexed his arm and Shawn and I burst out laughing. After Mason leaves the table with a quick 'bye' to the counter to get his food, Shawn followed me out of the cafeteria and into the corridors to the library.

I fidgeted as I was alone for the second time with him. " The next classes are Civics and Psychology right?", he asked and I nodded, " I am switching from Advanced Eco to them. It's really getting to me, I need something lighter to keep up with my sports, ya know?" I nodded again," That's a nice dress", he looked me up and down. Immediately my cheeks burned as I managed to smile and whispered a thank-you, " It's Chloe's. I didn't get time to go back to mine to change", I confessed and he chuckled, " No worries. It looks good on you"

" Are you into any sports?", he asked, " Not really", I shrugged, as we get closer to the library, " You could try out for cheerleading", he shrugged," I mean, why not? Its nice to have an extracurricular activity on your resume. Think about it"

" I am not sure I am cut out for sports", I answered sheepishly, " Like you...look like you are built for it, well tall and um fit and all", I said, not looking at him.

He laughs, " not everyone has to be tall and athletic to be into sports. C'mon girl, that's a cliche". I smiled good-naturedly as we stoofd infront of the library, " So I guess I'll see you in class", he low fived me and waved goodbye.

I reciprocated and head inside, finally grinning like the idiot that I had wanted to. Two days ago I could not even imagine where I am today, and today I was sorta buddies with the most popular and beautiful people in my school. What was even happening? Whatever it was, it was GOOD. Seemed like senior year will be a hell of a ride. Happy with my thoughts, I skipped to the history section of the library, knowing it like the back of my hand ofcourse, and looking at the medieval shelf. I peered for a while and eventually settled on a book called : The Political and Social History of the 12th century. It looked like it would cover feudalism in Europe, which was my course in class and seemed interesting anyway. I walked over to the librarian and get it issued. I looked at my phone and notice break was almost going to be over and decided to read it later than in the library.

I walked out of the library with the book tucked under my arm and headed towards the locker room, hoping to walk into class with Shawn because obviously, duh ;). The boy's locker room seemed busy so I decided to wait outside because it's gonna take like what? 5 minutes? It's just a quick shower anyway.

I opened the book in the meantime and flipped over the contents, " Man I wish I was in the 12th century", I joked. Everything seems so mystical and enchanting as I read quickly. The Medieval era has always held a kind of romantic charm to me, the knight in shining armor, the castles, the traditions, everything...Imagine if Shawn was a medieval prince, I fawned over the thought with a sick, sweet smile plastered to my face.

However, suddenly I looked up and saw flashing colors before my eyes, as if someone had put Instagram filters in my eyes, one second everything looked blue, then red, then green and then again blue. I panicked as the book fell from my hands and I grabbed my head to numb the pressure in my head, the colors getting more rapid. I shut my eyes and started walking but I got overwhelmed. I found myself unable to open my eyes anymore and scream, gripping my hair tighter until it waspositively pulling at my roots. I shook my head side to side frantically, trying to get rid of the pressure and loss of control I was feeling, but I could feel myself losing it, quite literally. A numbness replaced the pressure as I could no longer feel myself and finally succumbed to it.....

So finally the wait is over!. How do you think Chloe, Shawn and the others will react to Emma's disappearance?.

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