ii. Don't Test Her Reign

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ii. don't test her reign

SAWYER YAWNED, stretching her arms above her head to release the soreness in her aching muscles

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SAWYER YAWNED, stretching her arms above her head to release the soreness in her aching muscles. After she and her friends came up with a plan to overthrow the Bellamy's supposed reign, Sawyer collapsed under one of the large tents created from the fabric of the dropship's parachute. Most of the other makeshift structures were not yet finished, so most of the delinquents were forced to sleep in the ship itself, but she did end up sharing hers with a half a dozen other teens.

When her body was ready to wake, Sawyer's eyes fluttered open to find the sun had already risen and illuminated the thin cloth overhead. She pushed herself into a sitting position as she heard the bustling of everyone outside of the tent. She ran a hand through her hair to try and tame the mess of knots and tangles, before she climbed to her feet to shove her way through the entrance slit. Immediately, Sawyer was blinded by the early morning light that encased the entire landscape.

Dozens of the juvenile criminals were spread around the camp, still enjoying their news lives without the oppressive rule of their former home. Sawyer adjusted her black tank-top and made her way toward the entrance of the dropship a few yards away from the tent. As she approached, her gaze soon landed on Wells being confronted by one of the many participates in Sawyer's Lockup communication channel.

"Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" Atom questioned, gesturing to the bundle of pale and worn fabric in the boy's hands.

"Buried the two kids who died during the landing," Wells answered with a bitter edge to his voice.

Sawyer frowned at the mention of the two boys who were killed in the rough landing. She meant to assign someone to the task, or even perform it herself, but she was too preoccupied with making sure Bellamy did not ruin their lives in the first few hours of being on Earth.

"We share based on need, just like back home."

At the sound of that statement, Sawyer was brought out of her thoughts. She released a deep scoff and marched toward the two boys. Atom reached out to snatch the clothing from Wells's hands, but the Ark Prince only grabbed for them back.

Just then, Bellamy waltzed out from behind the large flapping parachute that covered the open dropship entrance. What used to be of his slicked back hair now fell over his forehead in thick dark curls. His toned, bare chest was on display, as well as the black handgun stuck out from the waistband of his jeans. Next to him was a girl Sawyer did not know (Which was a rarity in itself). She stood there in just a pair of pants and a thick bra as she leaned forward to place chaste kiss on the young man's lips.

Sawyer grimaced at the sight, which only deepened when Bellamy began to speak. "You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor? This home now. Your father's rules no longer apply."

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