xi. Leaders Day Out

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xi. leaders day out
day trip

A NOTICEABLE change swept through the camp once the storm passed

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A NOTICEABLE change swept through the camp once the storm passed. Not only did it take them several days to clean up the damage caused from the chaotic weather, the delinquents on the ground established a permanent connection with those left on the Ark.

Sawyer did not like it, at first. They were fine without the Ark. They survived almost three weeks without them. Without their strict ideals and harsh laws. Their lives were better because of the separation. Now, she, Clarke, and Bellamy were supposed to hand over their control with no complaints?

But, then Sawyer noticed how everyone's faces lit up when they were given the opportunity to speak with their parents. She could not bring herself to crush their hopes because of her reservations. They needed a bit more happiness.

"Tell me about the Grounder. Can he provide any insight on how to survive winter?" Chancellor Jaha spoke through a screen from the dropship set up in one of the tents.

Raven rigged it to allow both parties to see each other as they talked. She even found a few headsets in the bunker Finn discovered not far from the camp's perimeter.

Sawyer pushed her hatred for the Council to the back of her mind as she sat in on one of the various meetings they conducted, per Clarke's request. The Griffin girl wanted her there, considering they were co-leaders of their people. Also because they asked for Clarke and not her. Something she found incredibly irritating. She was not about to give up control to the people who ruined their lives in the first place.

"As of right now, the Grounder hasn't said much of anything. We're not even sure he speaks any English," Sawyer voiced, capturing the Chancellor's attention. "To prepare, we're gathering edible plants, nuts, berries, and preserving meats. We won't starve. If anything, we'll freeze to death when the weather turns." 

"There's good news on that front," one of the Council members, a dark haired man by the name of Marcus Kane, said as the screen flashed to him. "According to civil defense plans from before the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site. Here are the coordinates." He raised a map up for them to see on the screen.

Clarke reached for a pad of paper and a pencil on the table under the screen, also having been swiped from Finn's bunker, to write them down.

"In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter for the hundred and for citizens coming down from the Ark," Jaha stated off screen.

"And what makes you think it's intact?" Clarke asked as she looked up from her paper.

Kane lowered the map and said, "it was designed to withstand nuclear warfare."

Sawyer released a huff. "That doesn't mean it's..." she grunted when she felt an elbow jab into her side. She glanced to her right to where Clarke shot her a look.

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