v. Jumping to Conclusions

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v. jumping to conclusions
murphy's law

A WEEK PASSED since the incident with the poisonous fog that enveloped the entire camp and surrounding woods

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A WEEK PASSED since the incident with the poisonous fog that enveloped the entire camp and surrounding woods. The same fog that killed a member of the hunting party that left the same day. Atom. Sawyer demanded to know what happened, questioning Bellamy about every aspect of their time together until the fog separated them. She came to conclusion that it had just been a horrible accident, one that lead to another death on the ground.

Unfortunately, Atom had not been the only person to meet their ultimately fate. Wells was killed outside of the wall. A deep stab wound to the throat seemed to be what ended his life, while a few of his fingers were missing as well. Sawyer and Bellamy figured that the Grounders had finally made an appearance, beginning to take them out one by one.

After the discovery of the boy's body, Sawyer proclaimed that no one was to leave the camp without special permission. Hunting parties were established and regulated, as were the groups that scrounged up berries, nuts, and water, even patrols along the camp's perimeter had been created. She wanted to make sure that no one else died on her watch. Not if she could help it.

Sawyer also did not let up on her intended punishment for Murphy. The stunt he pulled with trying to kill Jasper had not been forgotten in the following chaos. She made it her mission to make his life a living hell until she saw it fit that he learned his lesson. Although, Sawyer had known Murphy for a long time and knew that he did not take well to orders.

"This section should be finished by tomorrow." Murphy told Sawyer when she asked him about the progress of the perimeter fence. They stood next to the logs stacked on top of each other to create the camp's barrier as the boy motioned to where some of the juveniles secured the pieces together.

Sawyer nodded. "Okay." She turned to leave without another word until she heard him speak up.

"That's all you're going to say? Okay?" Murphy questioned.

Sawyer faced him with a expression blank. "Yes. Until you learn that you can't just go around killing people whenever you please, that's all I'm going to say to you when we have these little checkups. I told you not to test me, Murphy," she stressed the use of his last name and pivoted on her heel to stride off into the camp.

Sawyer scanned the area for any sign of the pale hair of Clarke Griffin. Surprisingly, Sawyer and Clarke came to an understanding when the Ark Princess returned with the vital plant that saved Jasper's life. They were not enemies, until like her and Bellamy, the two of them wanted the same thing. For everyone to survive.

In light of their new relationship, Sawyer learned over the last few days that the girl had been close to Wells in the past. After the death of her father and her imprisonment, their friendship dwindled into nothing but hatred on Clarke's end. That was, until she figured out the truth behind everything that happened ten months ago.

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