xxvi. Uncovering Secrets

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xxvi. uncovering secrets
fog of war

LIFE AT THE established Ark camp, otherwise dubbed Camp Jaha, went on in the days that followed the massacre at the Grounder village

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LIFE AT THE established Ark camp, otherwise dubbed Camp Jaha, went on in the days that followed the massacre at the Grounder village. A new normal fell over those who survived the space station's crash to Earth. Guards patrolled the fence at all hours, trading off in designated shifts, while others tried to go back to the way things were when they orbited the radiation soaked planet.

For the remaining hundred, the idea of normal never crossed their minds. Not for Sawyer, at least. After the scene she witnessed, after she saw all the people Finn killed at the village, she did not think normal would ever happen again.

Sawyer rested at a table set up outside the main structure of the Ark, more specifically the remnants of Alpha Station. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she leaned back in a chair that survived the landing, staring at the map Clarke's sketched of Mount Weather and the series of mines that ran underneath it. She, Clarke, and Bellamy gathered to discuss their next move.

Bellamy released a long breath and voiced from where he sat at the table, "okay, tell me again." He glanced between the two girls.

Clarke reached out and tapped the map spread across its surface. "It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel." She gestured to tunnel drawn from Mount Weather to the depiction of the dam. "It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

"Are you sure we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men?" Bellamy questioned.

Sawyer looked to him with a flat stare. "Do you want us to answer honestly?"

Bellamy sighed. "You just did." He leaned away from the table and exclaimed toward the blonde, "I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction the mission soon I'm going by myself."

"You won't be the only one," Clarke replied, meeting the eldest Blake's gaze.

"I second that," Sawyer added.

Right then, the sound of shuffling drew the trio's attention to the entrance of the Ark. Sawyer looked to where Finn and Murphy exited into the night air. Her eyes narrowed when she spotted the Collins boy.

Once they returned to camp after the massacre, Abby and the Council convened to decide whether or not Finn and Murphy should be punished or cleared of what they did. Their trial went on for the last two days. For Sawyer, she could never forgive Finn. Not after she witnessed the event for herself. Finn did not just kill vicious, savage Grounders that day. He killed elderly people. Children. Unprovoked and defenseless.

It was one thing when they were at war, actively trying to kill them, but another when they were cowering inside their own village.

"Guess the inquisition's over." Bellamy turned away from where the two boys strode across the camp and set his stare on the blonde. "How's Finn doing, anyway?"

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