xiv. The Return of John Murphy

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xiv. the return of john murphy
i am become death

UNEASE FILLED the entirety of camp the moment word spread about the failed attempt at peace with the Grounders

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UNEASE FILLED the entirety of camp the moment word spread about the failed attempt at peace with the Grounders. Everyone worried about retaliation. When and how the Grounders would strike. Would they storm the camp with their swords and spears, or send a volley of arrows out of the trees? No one knew. All they could do was prepare and wait for the inevitable, hoping that they would somehow survive.

On top of the impending Grounder treat, the Exodus ship that contained the first wave of people escaping the failing Ark crashed into the ground. None of the passengers were expected to survive. Among them being Abby Griffin, Clarke's mother.

Sawyer could empathize the pain Clarke experienced when she watched the Exodus ship explode upon impact. She knew what it was like to lose a parent. Her father died before she reached her teenage years, while her mother lost herself in illegal moonshine and might as well be dead. The pain never went away, and Sawyer knew that Clarke knew that. She did watch her father get floated a year earlier.

Come sunrise, Clarke set out with Bellamy and a small group to inspect the Exodus ship wreckage. She wanted to know what happened and why the parachute did not deploy. She wanted to know why her mother died.

Sawyer made the decision to stay behind and oversee camp until they returned. With an attack from the Grounders on the horizon, at least one leader needed to watch over the rest of the delinquents. One spark of anxiety and pure anarchy would ensue.

More than a dozen of them were crowded around the walls in anticipation for the others arrival. Many with guns in their hands. Sawyer did not like the situation. In fact, she tried to get some to relinquish the weapons, considering they were all on edge and were not trained well enough, but they refused. Sawyer would have reprimanded them for it, if they were not on the verge of war. So, she overlooked it. Just until Clarke and Bellamy returned. She hoped she did not come to regret it.

Sawyer sat on one of the wooden platforms against the camp wall, keeping an eye on those who wanted to remain on watch for potential Grounder attacks and for the others to get back. The last thing she needed was for someone to become careless and discharge a weapon, or even fire at the returning group. She rested on her hands, glancing over the camp as lit torches illuminated gave off a warm glow.

"It's still quiet out there," Monty voiced as he moved to sit next to the Wesley girl.

Sawyer nodded toward him. "Good," she stated and shifted her stare across the delinquents. A group of them were crowded around a fire, chatting loud enough for her to hear from almost a dozen feet away. All of their eyes were on Jasper as he recounted what happened at the meeting with the Grounders. "Looks like your boy's popular."

Monty grinned. "Yeah." He turned to her and said, "and thanks for giving us a bigger tent."

Sawyer shrugged, leaning up to rest her arms on her thighs. "Some of the others wanted to swap tents. We had one open. Besides, there are too many people shoved into them. We all need a little breathing room."

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