New feeling

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Chapter 7-

(A/N: Aside from Sai, Itachi, and Kakashi, I'm also crazy about Gaara. So I decided to mention his relationship with an OC )

It was a beautiful day in Konohagakure. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and civilians were out and about, enjoying the wonderful weather. Sitting outside a cafe underneath an umbrella, each nursing ice cream sundaes were Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata, and Temari, who was visitng from Sunagakure. Throughout the years, the five had become closer than ever and at the very rare moments that the fan-wielder from the Sand visited, they spent some time together to catch up. Currently, Temari was excitedly narrating the various improvements in her village since Gaara became Kazekage, he upcoming Chuunin exams that she and her boyfriend, Shikamaru, were organizing, and news about Gaara and his girlfriend, a young Chuunin teacher from Suna's Ninja Academy.

"Sakura-san and Tenten-san have met her. I hope the rest of you get to meet her too," Temari was saying. "Minako-san is absolutely amazing. Between all of you and me, I think Gaara's waiting until she turns eighteen to propose."

"Oh my gosh!" Ino squealed. "Really? That's so cute! I would love to meet the girl who turned Gaara no Sabaku into a love struck Casanova."

"I'm glad Gaara-san has found someone," Hinata said, smiling.

Tenten nodded in agreement. "I like Minako-san, she seemed very nice." She sighed. "Time sure flies, huh? Seems only yesterday he almost destroyed our village."

The four laughed. The mention of the invasion from five years ago no longer affected them as much as before; Konoha and Suna were faithful allies to each other and had put the incident behind them.

As they continued to chatter, Temari noticed that their pink-haired friend was absent-mindedly picking at her sundae, not even laughing along with them. She looked deep in thought.

"Sakura-san?" the fan-wielder said.

No reply.

Hinata tried. "Are you alright, Sakura-chan?"

The pinkette didn't answer, only continued to stir the ice cream around the glass dish with her spoon.

"Hey forehead, what's up?" Ino placed a hand on her shoulder and Sakura blinked.

"Ano... Gomenasai. I was, uh, thinking about something."

The blonde smirked. "I heard Sai returned yesterday. Did you both spend the night together?"

Heat rushed to Sakura's face and she instantly shook her head. "N-No! Of course not! He... He just stayed for lunch and dinner, that's all."

Ino waved a hand, nonchalantly. "Sure, spare us the details."

The red deepened. "Nothing happened, okay? Besides, once was enough!"

The blonde shook her head, giggling. "Sheesh, I was just trying to make you laugh a bit. We know nothing happened. You already have a kid on the way, it's not safe."

Sakura pursed her lips then closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry guys." She turned her head to the fan-wielder. "Sorry Temari-san. I know we're here to enjoy ourselves and catch up. But I'm a little tired, so I guess that's why I'm so cranky."

Temari just nodded in understanding, an amused smile on her face. "Don't worry about it Sakura-san. Being pregnant must be a drag. I don't think I ever want to have kids."

Right away, Ino grinned deviously at her. "Are you sure about that, Temari-san? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the Nara clan could use an heir. It can't end with that lazy bastard you call your boyfriend; 'cause that's just sad."

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