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Chapter 13-

Warning: Spoilers for my Gaara/OC fic, Nagareboshi. But not so much.

A/N: I'm terrible at action scenes so please forgive this one. It sucks.

Soon after the big house reveal, Sai and Sakura wasted no time arranging the paperwork needed for them to move in. While Sakura had a meeting with the landlord of the apartment complex to discuss the lease, Sai went to the Hokage to finalize his ownership of the property, which Tsunade gladly finished and approved in a matter of two days. A week later, with the help of their friends, all of the furniture in the apartment were moved into the new house. Sai and Sakura were both very grateful. In order to show his appreciation for their help, Sai spent many nights painting them portraits. The Rookie nine were happy for the couple, they really were; and they would help them with anything they needed.

But no other person was happier than Sai and Sakura. The house was perfect both inside and out! It had a large living room with a fireplace, a spacious kitchen (to Sakura's delight), and a lovely backyard. It also had three bedrooms, which meant that the baby could have its own room and Sai could have his studio.

Time passed. Sakura was now seven months along. And just as they planned, she and Sai began working on the baby's room. It was more or less dramatic. It took them a few days to a week to decide on what color to paint the wall; Sakura wanted pink, but Sai believed in something neutral like yellow, just in case. And just like any other couple, they argued then gave each other the silent treatment (well, Sakura gave Sai the silent treatment; the latter talked to her anyway even if all he received as a response was a, "Hmph" and penetrating glares). Finally, they realized how ridiculous they were acting because this was about their child, not them; white was decided in the end. And then came the more important aspect of the baby's room: furniture. They went shopping. However, because of their minute salary as shinobis, not to mention, Sakura's maternity leave from both her kunoichi and hospital duties, they were not able to get much: a small bassinette (perfect for the first few months until they could get a crib), a stroller, a few toys, half a dozen bottles and a pacifier, and some baby clothes (only a few pieces, Ino's shopping spree a few months ago had provided the child with enough clothes to last until her first steps). Arranging everything together in the newly-painted room (courtesy of Sai and Naruto), the house was ready for the baby's arrival in two months time.

All in all, it was a wonderful start to the new life that awaited the couple.

"Everything's finally falling into place," Sakura whispered to Sai one night as they cuddled on the couch, watching a late night movie.

Sai gazed at her with a gentle look on his face before planting a kiss on her temple as a hand caressed her stomach. "I know. And I'm happy. So happy."

The 28th of March was a special day for Konoha's pinkette; today was her nineteenth birthday. The pregnant kunoichi woke up to the delightful aroma of breakfast-in-bed specially made for her by her boyfriend.

"Happy Birthday, tomato-face," he greeted, kissing her cheek before setting the tray down on her lap.

She smacked him on the arm, playfully. He grinned before reaching underneath the bed to reveal a small, brown package.

"I'm sorry but didn't know what to get you," he confessed as she took it from his hands eagerly and unwrapped it.

Seeing the content of the box, she looked up into his face, startled.

He smiled. "You mentioned something about needing new shurikens a few months back."

She chuckled and smiled before leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Arigatou, Sai-kun. I do love it," she said. "And I love the breakfast," she added, before putting the box of shurikens aside and turning to the food in front of her; eggs, bacon, and French Toast were arranged neatly on the plate along with a cup of coffee and a glass of water.

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