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Chapter 9-

A/N: This chapter, in my opinion, is very cheesy. But then again, I like cheesy. Enjoy! I have a feeling that you'll like this chapter.

It was dark. So dark. There was nothing in sight. Everywhere she turned, it was only darkness. And she was alone. She tried to call out to someone, anyone; the only replies were the echoes of her own voice. She began to walk, but she couldn't feel the ground. What was this place? And how did she arrive here? Feeling more alone than ever in her life, she began to sob, quietly. Why was she always like this? Always so weak? Always unable to save those she held precious? Why couldn't she protect them the way they always protected her? Why wasn't she strong enough?

Suddenly, she could hear crying that was not hers. She raised her head and glanced around, hoping for a glimpse of another. But there was still darkness. Yet, the cries of despair was still in the air. So she did the only thing she could do; she began to head towards the sound. The walk felt like years; but she still couldn't see anyone else. There was nobody here but her. She had almost given up when finally, she saw it; the silhouette of a small child, huddled on the invisible ground, an arm over its eyes as it cried.

Quickly, she ran up to the child; it was a young girl with short dark-hair and a small red bow. She kneeled in front of her; when the child looked up at her, she saw that her eyes were a beautiful shade of turquoise-green.

"Shh... It's okay," she said, as she pulled the little girl into her arms and rubbed her back. "Don't cry. I'm here."

The little girl had stopped crying now and was hiccupping delicately. When she pulled away to wipe the tears from the child's cheeks, the little girl had begun to smile.

She smiled at her. "Why were you crying?"

The child shrugged. "I was hurt, but I'm okay now. Thank you very much!"

She stroked the dark strands. "I'm glad!"

The child gave her a knowing look. "Why were you crying before?"

She looked startled at the question. "Oh, I was... I was lonely... and frightened... and upset."

The girl tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

She sighed. "Because I'm weak. I can't protect the people I love."

The child scrunched up her eyebrows. "You know, you're only as weak as you feel. And I'm pretty sure that the people you love know how much you care about them. I know I do." The girl smiled at her as she placed a hand on her cheek and gently wiped away the dried tear tracks. "Don't cry anymore. Everything will be alright now! I'm sure of it!"

She couldn't help but smile back, a pleasant warmth spreading through her body. She closed her eyes, as happy tears slid down her cheeks. "Yes, everything will be alright now."

"Everything will be alright now."

Slowly, Sakura's eyes fluttered open. For a moment, she couldn't fathom where she was; everything that happened was a blur, even the strange dream. Finally, she recognized the familiar tiled ceiling, the morning light peeking out of blue curtains over the glass window, and the feeling of the soft white sheets against her skin; she was in Konoha's Hospital. The memory of what transpired at her apartment, Sai and Sasuke fighting each other and the blood flowing down her legs, came crashing back.

Her eyes widened and she sat up quickly, breathing heavily in panic. But when, she felt a hand squeezing her own, her anxiety dissipated and she began to calm down. She turned her head to the side; Sai was seated on a chair next to her bed, fast asleep, his head next to her arm as one hand held hers. He still wore the same clothes, which were now torn at the shoulder; and his hair was untidy and stuck up in various places. He looked so tired and worn-out; Sakura didn't dare disturb his slumber. She decided that she liked watching him sleep, to see him in a state where he looked calm and peaceful. Slowly, she raised her other arm and gently brushed some of his dark hair to the side. He must have felt her touch since he stirred and groaned softly before his eyes fluttered open. He blinked several times before raising his head; his eyes held a look of surprise and relief at seeing her finally awake.

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