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As the sun began to set, I finally put down my book.

As requested by the Prince, I began to prepare to meet him in the garden. In anticipation of my third werewolf change, I remove my clothes and put on a long robe. Thankfully, I am more concealed now than in the robe the Prince first provided me with, but I still feel vulnerable anyhow. 

Quietly, I sneak through the darkened hallways of the palace, stumbling down the steps to the ballroom. My heart thumps in joyous wonderment. There must be a reason the Prince would want to meet where we first met. I would assume so; but I suspect he is full of surprises. It may not be for the most obvious reason. 

I exit the back doors to avoid being scene from the street. I manage to get to the garden from there. Back at the fountain, where we first spoke, I sit waiting for him. 

Time passes increasingly slow, and I already begin to feel my body itch to change. My heart has already dropped down into my stomach by this time and I throw myself to my feet in disappointed rage. I march back to the back of the palace and stomp my way back up the steps. 

To my utter shock, I come face to face with the King, who is on his way down the steps. I had been too preoccupied with my intentionally loud footsteps, that I hadn't even thought of running into anyone - let alone the King!

"Oh, my Lord, I'm so sorry." I curtsy immediately, flushing with embarrassment. The hall is too dark for us to see each other clearly, but I'm sure he can tell how terribly sorry I am even so. 

"Charlotte." He murmurs thoughtfully. "My son was supposed to meet you." 

"U-uh, yes he had said he would, but I completely understand if something came up-" 

He slightly smiles, looking past me. " Well, my son isn't exactly punctual, nor one for sticking to his word. He's a little...immature when it comes to certain things, but he's learning." He slightly chuckles, and I blush furiously. 

To my astonishment, he comes closer, revealing that he has already begun his changing process. His fangs had already extended, and the beard that adorned him was thickening into fur. It was quite appalling to take in. 

"I was just going for a run in the back forest. As my future daughter in law, would you like to join me?" He asks seriously, but something seemed to be distracting him. I look behind myself suspiciously. 

"Um...I think I would rather have some time alone, if that's alright. Forgive me, I mean no offence." I respond uncertainly. I don't know what I would do if the King grew to dislike me, especially upon meeting him for the first time like this. 

I hug my robe tightly around myself uncomfortably as he stayed quiet. His brown eyes met mine, but still no verbal response. 

"Do you know where Prince Carlos, your son is?" I bravely question. 

The King lightly takes me by the elbow and leads me back to where I came. "I'm afraid I must insist. Come along..." 

"What? Why? I don't wish to-" I squeal, but he tugs me along despite my protests. 

Once we get to the forest, I've already begun my change. I tug myself away from him, flopping to the grass weakly as it takes control of me. I growl angrily, the anger practically motivating the beast in me to come out. The King watches attentively, patiently waiting for me to become the beast his family corrupted me to be. 

"Forgive me, girl. But there are certain things you should see, and there are certain things you shouldn't see." He speaks quietly, and slowly. I lift myself to my feet, ripping the robe from my skin. I take him in, his body just as beastly as mine. He isn't quite a wolf yet, but I suspect it is because he chooses to remain the way he is so that he may still speak aloud.  

I stare in confusion, utter, wild confusion. "What should and shouldn't I see, and who dictates it?" My words are filled with spite, not a care at all for whom I am speaking to...

"The Beast dictates it all, but right now, I decide in order to protect your innocent eyes." The King's voice is cold, but his eyes hint at sympathy...but for what? What would be terrible for my innocent eyes to see?

"Does this have to do with the Prince?" I choke out, still kneeling on the ground. 

"Yes, and no." The King replies tiredly. "There are simply things that need to be done, and there are things we cannot control, even if they are not right." 

"What are Earth are you speaking of?" I finally have lost it now. "Clearly something personal to me is happening and no one has the decency to tell me! You bast-" I force myself to stop before I say something incredibly indecent that I'll regret later. 

Amazingly the King ignores the name I was about to call him and his entire family. " have to understand, that we do not have the last say."

I stand abruptly, marching away from him back to the palace. 

"Where are you going?" The King grumbles urgently. I can hear his footsteps quickly following behind me. "No one can see you like this." 

"Why not? Why shouldn't everyone know the truth?" 

"The Beast will massacre the village if he is found out and start again. He's done it before, and he will do it again." The King's words are believable, I can see it in his eyes that he is being truthful. 

My heart shatters, and I return to the King's side. "You fear the Beast...don't you?" I whisper gently. I fear what he says next. I would rather him revoke all my terrible thoughts and tell me that the Beast respects us as his subjects, at least a little. 

The King's expression remains grim as he admits it: "We all fear him, just as he wishes us to...and the moment we begin to stop fearing him, he gives us another reason to put us back in our place." 

My breath catches in my throat. I can feel the werewolf change escalating further - much further than it ever has before! But I have to finish this conversation before that happens. 

"Is that what is happening now? Is that what is occupying Carlos?" I whisper. 

"Yes. The Beast isn't pleased with what we asked of him." 

My eyes widen in horror, immediately thinking of my father. "What did you ask of him?" 

"The release of your father." The King sighs deeply, looking away from me. 

I whimper and crouch to my knees. "And why would he not oblige such a request?" Tears flow from my ears like a unstoppable waterfall, flooding my cheeks with my own despair. Did he even get my letter? Will I ever know? I doubt my letter even portrayed that I forgave him at all! 

"He believes you should be punished for your indiscretion. Carlos told me you attempted to change your mind and the Beast took your father as a consequence...." He falters for a moment. "...He doesn't believe in reversing said consequences. Otherwise you'll never learn not to cross him again." 

I scream then, finally letting out the built up anguish that was now taking over me. "Why could I let this happen? Why can't he let him go and have it over with? I'd give my life for his if that is what it comes down to! I'd take the punishment!" I sob desperately. 

The King kneels with me. "There is nothing that can be done. Carlos went on your behalf to try and save him, but I fear that he may be earning his own punishment in the process." 

My body shivers from my now silenced sobs. I thought of Carlos bolting to save my father, willing to throw away his life for a man whom he has never even met, for a girl he barely even knows.

"Why would he do that?" I murmur in disbelief. 

"You are his chosen, Charlotte. In the end, he would do anything for you as long as you are his Queen." The King responds gently. 

I shakily return to my feet, my determination finally silencing my whimpers. "Then, as his chosen, I have to go after him." 

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