6: I Count On You

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I was staying after school with the cheer squad to practice our routine since we were preforming it at the football game in a couple of weeks. Toni wasn't here because she quit just after i started dating Brett. I missed her being on the team and i felt scared without her here. Just then i heard a loud bang of someone storming through the doors to the gym.

"Cheryl? Cheryl, are you in here?" someone called. I turned around and saw Brett making his way towards me. I instantly became very nervous and took a few steps back. Just in time, Veronica and Betty stood up in front of him.

"What are you doing here Brett?" Veronica asks, placing her hands on her hips. Betty stood next to her and crossed her arms.

"I need to speak to Cheryl." Brett demanded. This made me even more nervous than i was and i prayed that Veronica and Betty wouldn't let him by. Betty glanced at me and i shook my head.

"Cheryl doesn't want to talk right now." Betty insisted in an angry tone. Brett laughed and looked beyond them to where i was standing.

"Yes she does." He shoved past the girls and started to quickly make his way over to me. I didn't know what to do... so i ran. I turned around and ran into the changing rooms and locked the door behind me. I leaned by back against the wall and slid down to where i was on the floor. I couldn't hold back my tears of fear as i cried into my hands, listening to the River Vixens arguing with Brett. I thought it would be a good idea to ring Toni so i pulled out my phone and pressed on her name, my phone started to ring.

She answered within seconds. "Hey Cheryl. What's up?" Toni said cheerfully.

"Brett's here and he's going crazy in the gym at Betty and Veronica. He was trying to speak to me but i locked myself in the changing rooms."  i tell her through sobs. I try my hardest not to cry down the phone because i didn't want to worry her but i couldn't help but sniffle. Her voice became a lot more concerned.

"That bastard. I'm coming right there." Toni says and she puts the phone down. I didn't know if it was the best idea but i would feel ten times safer if she was with me.

I sit there for what seems like hours, waiting for Toni to turn up or for Veronica and Betty to come in. Just at that moment, someone knocked on the locked door, making me jump.

"Cheryl its us, open up." i recognised Betty's voice so i stood up and opened the door for them. "What a nightmare..," Veronica groaned as she walked past me.

I peered outside into the gym. "Is he gone?" i ask.

"Yeah, we eventually made him leave." Veronica replies. "What even happened between you two?"

"I broke up with him or at least tired to and he took it the very wrong way." i say with my shaky voice. Betty comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Cheryl, you'll be okay." she says.

I smile at her. Just then, Toni bursts through the changing room doors which makes all of us jump.

"Cheryl!" she exclaims when she sees me. She hurries over and hugs me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm fine now, thanks to Betty and Veronica." i say, smiling at them both.

"Good, now we need to go, incase he comes back." Toni takes my hand and leads me out through the school and into the car park where her motorcycle is parked. In the distance, i notice Brett leaned up against the bonnet of his car. Before we could turn around, he had already seen us and was making his way over here. And fast.

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