8: You Saved Me

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Toni and I were both woken up to the sound of Toni's alarm. I was wrapped up in her arms and the memories of last night came rushing back.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" Toni asked, getting out out bed.

"I slept great." i reply. She turned and smiled at me before making her way out of the bedroom room. I got up and got ready, Toni did the same. We were a bit late for school today but neither of us cared. We hopped on Toni's motorcycle and she drove us to school.

Some time passed and we found ourselves stood against the lockers in the corridor. Toni and I were interrupted from our conversation by the sounds of someone shouting.

"Hey you Serpent scum!" i immediately knew that it was Brett so i grabbed on to Toni's hand for comfort. She pulled me into her as Brett got closer. He stood tall with his head tilted backwards, causing him look down on us. I noticed he had a cut on his lip, that must of been from when Toni punched him yesterday.

"Look what you did!" he shouted, pointing to his lip.

"You deserved it." Toni snapped back. Brett bought his clenched fist up to Toni. Before he swung, Archie grabbed his arm.

"Hey man, what do you think you're doing?" Archie said shoving him away from us. I was instantly relieved.

"What are you gonna do, Andrews?" Brett said, pushing Archie backwards. Before i knew it, a fight had broken out between them, causing everyone in the corridors to watch and shout things at them. Just then, Mr Weatherbee came round the corner.

"Archie! Brett!" he shouted. The two boys looked up at him and pulled apart from each other. "My office now."

Archie and Brett straightened themselves up and brushed themselves down before following Mr Weatherbee round the corner. Toni and I decided to go too since we had something to do with the fight .

All four of us were sat in the seats in front of Mr Weatherbee's desk. We stayed in silence for a moment before the head teacher spoke.

"What happened out there." he asked.

"Brett was threatening to punch Toni, so i came over to stop it and i guess a fight broke out." Archie explained.

Mr Weatherbee turned to Toni. "Is that true, Toni?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yes, and he's been doing the same to Cheryl." she said. My Weatherbee looked at me and his eyes trailed down to look at my arms. His eyes widened when he noticed the faded bruises that covered almost every inch of my arm. Before Brett could speak, Me Weatherbee slammed his hand on the desk and stood up.

"This behaviour will not be tolerated in this school. Brett, get out. You're expelled." he shouted.

Brett didn't reply, he stood up and pushed his chair backwards and stormed over to the door mumbling to himself. When he left he slammed the office door as hard as he could, causing the walls to shake.

"How long is he gone for?" i ask.

"With behaviour like that, i want him gone forever." Mr Weatherbee replies.

I sigh in relief as a smile creeps onto my face and i look at Toni. She reaches over and squeezes my hand. If it wasn't for her (and Archie) then Brett would still be here and i would still feel like i was in danger. I couldn't thank her enough.

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