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Note: I have been getting some comments to update this story so I went back and found a few old chapters that I didn't publish. These are old, so sorry if my writing sucks.

Toni and I left the hospital and were walking down the street that was lit up by the street lamps. The roads were pretty empty as it was very late at night, we could've stayed at the hospital but Toni wanted to go and i didn't blame her.

We were walking side by side in silence with the sound of passing cars every now and again. I couldn't help but watch Toni. The street lights lit up her face perfectly showing off her amazing features. Although she had a few marks and burns, she still looked amazing. Toni must of noticed i was staring because she looked up at me, continuing to walk.

"What?" she asks, smiling at me.

I quickly look straight forwards in an attempt to cover up the fact i had been staring at her.

"What were you looking at?" she asks again.

"Nothing." i reply bluntly.

"Is it the burns on my face? Do they look that bad?" Toni asks worriedly.

"No, not at all. I just thought..." i was going to tell her but i decided to stop myself.

"You thought what?"

"That you look beautiful." i blurted those words out, and for some reason i didn't regret it. She had to know how amazing she was to me.

"No i don't, i look terrible." she laughs at me.

"Well you're beautiful to me." I wasn't even doing to hide the fact that i liked her. I had already told her.

Toni didn't say anything but just stopped in her tracks under a street light which made the air around her glow. I took another step forward before realising she was stood still. I turned around to face her.

"What are you doing?" i ask as she was smiling at me. I walked a step back so i was facing her again.

"I heard what you said earlier, I heard it all." she told me through smiles.

This mortified me. That meant she had heard me her tell her that i loved her. Why didn't she say anything about it earlier?

"Uh, I..." I didn't really know what to say. I looked down hoping that the awkward feeling would go.

"Look at me." Toni says, placing one finger under my chin and bringing my head back up to where our eyes met.

"If you meant what you said, then i wanted to tell you that i loved you too." she says.

I couldn't even hold back the smile that crept across my face.

Toni placed her hand on the side of my face and pulled me to kiss me. I held her tight, i never wanted to loose her and this moment felt like a dream.

Choni: Over the RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now