Hiding Out

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"She only said that to show off. Everyone knows that Radiation is the most expensive store in town. Not to mention that she was probably just trying to remind us that she won prom queen."

Alyssa's words echoed through Mackensie's head as she sat in Health class, bored out of her mind. They were about half an hour into class and already she felt like falling asleep, which she might as well would have done if the teacher didn't decide to take an unusual interest in her for the day.

He kept an eye on her, asking her to answer occasional questions for the class. It meant that she actually had to pay attention today, much to her dislike, but thank God it was Friday.

Mackensie sat idly at her desk, staring at the teacher's feet as he stood at the front of the class, talking about eating disorders and how to catch signs that someone has one. She was not interested in the least, and after a while her ears zoned in on a conversation Renee was having behind her with her two main buddies, Melina and Aileen.

"I have everything planned out to last detail." Mackensie heard her whisper to her friends, whom by the look of it as Mackensie peeked a glance over her shoulder, were highly interested in whatever topic it was.

"You're so lucky, I'm still stuck with the same old thing with the same old guy. My mom won't give me money for another dress. She says I have too many in my closet that I haven't worn," Melina responded, scoffing as she did so.

They must be talking about prom, Mackensie thought, losing interest almost instantly. School dances wasn't much of a big deal for Mackensie, having only been to one: homecoming junior year.

She barely enjoyed her time there, sitting in the gym watching her peers dancing in a vulgar manner to the music on the dancefloor. She had actually left quite early with Tanya and Alyssa, and the three decided to just hang out at the nearest iHop for the rest of the night.

Prom wasn't going to be any different, and she was only going this time because her friends and family made a big deal about it, saying that it was a right of passage and the most special dance for senior girls.

Though Mackensie never did understand it. If it was the most special dance, how come there's one for juniors and one for seniors? Meaning that students would be going to prom twice.

"Mackensie! What are the symptoms for someone who is struggling with anorexia?" The teacher's voice interrupted Mackensie's thoughts and the brunette's head snapped up from her desk to stare at the teacher like a deer in the headlights.

"Uh," she stammered, caught off guard and hating herself for having a slow reaction.

"I thought so," he said, shaking his head. "Pay attention if you want to pass." His voice was stern, and Mackensie could hear Renee snickering behind her.

She sighed, glaring at him.

Of course, she thought. Pick on the girl who's sitting here quietly and totally ignore the three who are having a conversation right behind her. She could feel her cheeks turn slightly warm and knew she was starting to blush from embarrassment. "Sorry," she muttered.

"Excuse me?"

Mackensie pushed her chair back and stood up. "Is it okay if I go to the nurse? I'm not feeling that good."

"Why, because you couldn't answer my simple question from earlier?"

Seriously? she walked over to him, taking her backpack with him.

"No, sir, it's my time of the month," she whispered, knowing that he would let her go with that excuse. Teachers weren't allowed to deny any female students access to the nurse if it was for that reason, even if they were lying.

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