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"He wore a thousand faces, just to hide one

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"He wore a thousand faces, just to hide one."


Sadie never really talked to Finn.

And yeah, even though on the set they did hang out together on set many times, they didn't really talk that much. There friendship was the type of friendship that wasn't really close, never really talked yet knew a million things about each other because they talked with their eyes.

But like alot of things in this world, they can be deceiving and there friendship was exactly that. At first, she thought that he just needed a break from being around her and connect with her other fellow cast mates; she could understand that. But when days turned into weeks without a call or text from Finn, the answer was extremely clear for the redhead.

He simply didn't want to be friends with her and so, she didn't bother to try to keep in contact with him, only speaking to him when she had to as he did the same, making that awkward conversation that everybody dreads.

Sadie could still remember how many times Finn called her when he couldn't sleep because of his anxiety, asking her if she wanted to go skate for a while to calm himself and even though it would be three in the morning, she would still wake herself up to ride with him down a few blocks. She could still remember the time where he figured out what was wrong with her one day at the beach but respected the reason why she didn't tell the others, just like she didn't tell the others about the trains.

Sadie could remember every single thing that she did with Finn like it all happened yesterday, when she meant something to him. She didn't want to become friends with him unless he wanted to, all she wanted was an answer to her question of what she did wrong, of what made him push her away.

The redhead had always admired the curly-haired boy for his personality; the way he could light up the room without saying much, the way his coffee-colored eyes sparkled with happiness and excitement. It was the little things that he that could even make the saddest person in the world smile and laugh by Finn being his awkward, goofy self.

And, so what if the red-haired girl may have had a small crush on him? But, who wouldn't? He was sweet and kind and always putting himself before others and Sadie admired that.

Plus, he was good-looking so that was a bonus.

"Sadie? Annie? Earth to the kitchen sink? Helloo?" Gaten's voice called out to her from her phone screen, snapping the redhead out of her daze and diverting her eyes back to Gaten.

"S-Sorry, what were you saying?" Sadie apologized and shook her head as if to shake the daydream out of mind. It was just an average Tuesday in her house, the house dead silent as her family decided to go on a vacation but couldn't as she in interviews on odd days so she stayed home alone.

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