r u i n ( m y ) l i f e

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(a/n: before i start, i have to say that if any of you guys are religious, Beth is gonna make fun of God *alot* so there's your warning. also, this chapter is gonna be hella gay too; like 95% gay and lowkey rushed af even though it has like 10,282 words. enjoy people)

"Maybe if we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be closer

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"Maybe if we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be closer."


Inside the moving vehicle, the air held stuffy moffballs hinted with gingerbread that came from the faded air freshener hanging over the rear-view mirror and the seats carried three exhausted teenagers, with one being in some slight discomfort.

There were two teens in the old car when they drove to the club, and after a short but wild time, and now there's three; a tipsy ginger in the driver's, an anxious glassed-eyed boy in the passenger's and an drowsy electric-eyed girl curled up in the backseat.

As the rusty beige car dashed down the road, it's worn-down tires bounced against the black faded and uneven pavement, setting the road ahead to stretched on for several miles, and also connecting to many other roadways. But surprisingly, the car wasn't being told to go anywhere specific just yet, and for a pretty good reason.

It was the reason why she flipped on the blinker to make a right instead of a left and it was the reason why the worn-down wheels were driving on foreign roads with addresses that didn't have any more names to pair with. It was just one single thing that prevented them from just going home, just one little-huge thought.

They needed more time; because believe or not, Bethany and Louis were stuck between a rock and a hard space.

He scolded her for five minutes straight on the way to the club to not bring any more late night stands for a joy ride, yet here they were with a famous dancer. She was shocked he hasn't kicked out sunflower ga-er-Maddie out of the car; or the most favorable one, it started with the well-known 'I-told-you-so' speech and ended with her wanna grab a screw-driver and pull out her brains.

That may or may have not made Beth just a tad bit anxious. She liked knowing what people were gonna do before they did them as most of the time and used the sweet information to her advantage, but Louis, he wasn't doing anything when a situation like this was thrown into there faces. Nothing even remotely close to it or at all.

No frantic rambling while stumbling over his words and leaving sentences unfinished or complexion turning as red as her hair all the way down to his Adam's apple. There was no wheezing noises that came out of his nose as while gripping the orange inhaler tightly in his fist like his lifeline depended on it or breathlessly counting lines of pi six times over trying not to stutter.

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