( o v e r ) n i g h t r u s h

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(a/n: so...exactly a month later, i update. and yes, i know, i know, it's very non-like me, but procrastination and school were kinda kicking me in the butt. however, this is about 9,500 words so i hope that'll make you guys forgive me! oh, and buckle up y'all cuz we're counting down to the act four finale, so you know shit's gonna hit the fan real BAD)  

"I'll be your quiet afternoon crush; be your violent overnight rush, make you crazy over my touch

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"I'll be your quiet afternoon crush; 
be your violent overnight rush,
make you crazy over my touch."


Several minutes later, Sadie Sink, finally showed up; her hair not the only thing that was red and wore an expression on her freckled face that could only be described as disturbed, along blankness.

"Sadie!" Millie exclaimed, bring all eyes and ears toward her and jumped from the seat, wrapping the redhead into a hug. "We were worried! Where were you?" 

Pulling back, Sadie answered with a dry smile to faded for anybody to believe. "Oh, my agent had to chat with me about a couple upcoming things." She explained briefly before sitting down next to her best friend and shared a small smile to the hazel-eyed boy on her left. 

The british girl grasped the blue-eyed girl's hands, with glee in her chocolate eyes that were practically beaming with excitement. "Any good news?!" 

She shook her head, her strawberry-colored hair shaking in its ponytail made. "No, just casual stuff." Sadie stated rather curtly, instantly shutting down any sorta opportunity for a discussion between them and began taking sips of the water given. 

A frown pulled onto a pair of peach-flavored lips as her brown eyes flickered to the other members of the cast filled with worry and concern and they all shadowed a similar look except Finn. He seemed too distracted with the bold-colored liquid inside the chanpamge glass he drank from, which instantly got her confused, cocking her head to the right. 

Where did Finn get that? I don't think there's anything remotely close to that on the list, Millie pointed out curiously, but before she could get the chance to even ask about it, the show had began to start. 

With a sigh, the curtains opened and their on the stage, the host, Jimmy Fallon had began the introduction. She quickly shut out her thoughts and tuned into the world around her wisely so she wouldn't miss a thing, and probably should've done the same with her co-stars.  

As Sadie's ocean eyes desparately pushed back the waters threatening to spill out once again, they swept through the crowd placed into tables, and anywhere besides the lanky figure in front of her. It was painful, mostly because he was the direct source of it all; the words his tongue had spoken only recieved a fiery hatred, but even she couldn't deny that they were true.

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