Chapter 3- Dreams

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Tifa grimaced as Lyra threw up in the garbage bin. Tifa suspected that nothing came out as the girl probably hadn't eaten in a while, but she gave the girl the box of tissues to clean her face.

Lyra took the tissues and wiped her mouth. Her face turned red and she was shaking as she sat back in the plastic chair.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I just got really nervous."

"It's alright," Tifa found herself saying. Lyra's large green eyes were wide as Shalua brought the empty syringe closer.

"I'm just going to draw a little blood from your arm," Shalua explained. "Try to relax and this should go smoothly."

Tifa watched the girl closely as Shalua went about drawing blood and checking blood pressure. Shalua had Lyra spit into a small glass vial and she went off to a table of machines. Shalua explained that she needed to separate the blood and spit hopefully they would know who Lyra was soon.

Tifa couldn't shake the feeling that she knew Lyra from somewhere. Maybe not by name, but she could just somewhat imagine the girl's face, just much younger. Something in her voice was familiar as well. It was clear as a bell and had a whimsical tilt to it. A large group of freckles covered the left side of Lyra's face and across her nose while just six freckles were grouped together on her right cheek, and her black hair was a long, tangled mess.

Yes, Lyra was familiar but Tifa couldn't place where she knew her from.

"Do you remember where you live?" Tifa pulled out a chair next to Lyra and sat in it. Lyra squirmed and inched herself away from Tifa. She seemed confused for a moment but then her face brightened.

"I think so. But I don't remember what it was called," she said. Her voice was quiet and she started shaking again. "I just had it and it left my memory."

"Do you live in the Icicle Area?" Tifa asked, hoping that the name would jog her memory. Lyra stared at her.

"The what area?"

"It's the area the Northern Cave Crater is in. Where you woke up."

Lyra shook her head. "I don't recognize those names."

Tifa listed off other towns, Kalm, Costa Del Sol, Junon. None of them seemed to be familiar to Lyra. She had to come from somewhere. Maybe she was from one of the smaller, lesser known towns?

Lyra seemed more confused as Tifa listed off the smaller towns. Finally Lyra cut her off.

"These names sound made up," she said. "What town are we in?"

"Edge," Tifa answered. "Are you sure you don't recognize-"

"No. I don't know what those towns are. I've never heard them in my life," Lyra insisted somewhat angrily. She hit the seat of the chair with her hand, leaving a melted handprint and smoke. The smell of burning plastic wafted from the handprint. Lyra's large green eyes widened, and she stood.

"You okay?" Cloud asked. Lyra shook her head and she halfheartedly glared at him.

"In what world is any of this okay?" Her voice shook, and her face turned gray. Tifa stood and handed her an unopened bottle of water that she had brought.

"Here. You're probably thirsty," she said, hoping that the girl would take it. She hesitated, but she reached out to take it. As her fingers touched the bottle, frost shot from her fingers, coating the bottle. Tifa jumped back and Lyra dropped the now frozen water bottle with a yelp. Lyra cradled her hand to her chest and stared at the bottle as if she'd been burned.

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