Chapter 4- Lilies

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Lyra woke up slowly, despite the strangeness of the dream. Her eyes opened wide, but she didn't actually leave the bed for a few minutes. When she finally did, she emptied the small bag that Tifa had given her. She didn't know why she hoped that her favorite hoodie would be in the bag, but she was disappointed when she didn't find it. Her brain was still foggy from sleep.

Tifa had picked out her clothes. Most of the garments were dresses, two of them with floral patterns on pastel backgrounds, one black with red roses, and a pair of jeans. Lyra spotted a folded T-shirt and a red plaid over shirt folded underneath it. Lyra had been given a pair of boots before they had left the WRO headquarters.

As much as she wanted to wear the jeans and T-shirt, Lyra changed into one of the pastel dresses, lilac with silver lilies. She pulled on socks, the boots, and tied her hair back with a ponytail and a lilac ribbon that was packed into the bag for some reason.

She slowly opened the door, listening and hoping that she wasn't being too loud. She peeked into the narrow hallway. She could hear laughing and dishes, and she could smell food.

Her stomach grumbled.

Well, hiding wasn't going to be an option, especially if she's hungry.

She crept down the hallway. The doors were all closed, and the laughter was coming from downstairs. Lyra continued walking until she was on the first floor. The stairs were hidden from the front room, where most of the bar was, and the kitchen was just in front of her. To her right was a backdoor. She couldn't see through the curtains covering the door window. She was hit with an idea.

Lyra's heart was racing. She could run outside. She could find help and get home. Lyra reached her hand to the doorknob and-

The kitchen door opened, and Cloud nodded at her. She dropped her hand.

"You hungry?" He asked. His eyes flickered to the back door as if he knew what she was planning.

Lyra felt a pang of guilt. Cloud and Tifa hadn't done anything to harm her, and they had let her stay with them. They were feeding her. She shoved the feeling down and nodded. Cloud stepped to the side and she entered the kitchen.

The kitchen was strange, to be honest. There were a sink and counters and a wooden kitchen island like most normal kitchens, but two industrial fridges and a large stove and sink were shoved against the walls.

The kids, Marlene and Denzel, were eating pancakes around the kitchen island. Tifa smiled at her and pushed a plate forward. Lyra sat and poured syrup on her pancakes before she began eating. The kids had quieted when she sat next to them and the silence was beginning to get awkward.

"Your bow is wrong."

Lyra jumped at the sound of the little girl's voice. She blinked at the kid, who just pointed at her hair.

"Your bow is wrong," she repeated. Marlene wiped her hands and jumped off her stool. She pushed it closer to Lyra and climbed on it again. "I'll fix it."

Lyra went still as Marlene untied and redid the lilac ribbon. She nervously glanced at Tifa, who just smiled back. Marlene finished and then pulled her stool back to her spot.

Lyra mumbled a thank you and continued eating. Marlene beamed and finished her pancakes. Denzel whispered something to her and they jumped down and ran back up the stairs. Lyra kept her eyes on her plate. She didn't look up as Cloud and Tifa cleared the island. She jumped when they sat on either side of her. She finally looked up.

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