Chapter 5

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"Is that the place?" One voice groaned.

"Yeah, it seems like it." Another voice said.

"Uggh, I can't believe we're finally here." The first voice moaned.

"Yeah, no thanks to you."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I'm just saying that a certain person can't navigate for shit."

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused."

"What do you mean I can't navigate for shit?"

"Who was the one that took ages to get us across the Pacific? You would think it would be an easy shot to get from Hawaii to Japan."

"That wasn't my fault! And besides, who was it that unnecessarily attracted that horde of Abyssals to us when we were trying to get here?!"

"You can't blame me for that! I only saw a couple and thought we could take them!"

"I'm pretty sure we were ordered to make it across the Pacific safely, not to go all gun happy like you do!"

"I'm not that gun happy!"

"Oh sure you aren't miss 'Stand aside, I'm coming through!"

"You trying to pick a fight?!"

"What if I am?!"

"If you want a fight, you can have one!"

A whirring sound could be heard.

Standing over the water were two girls. Two kanmusu. And on their outfits, were nine 16-inch gun turrets.

In the morning of that day, the roar of 16 inch guns rang loudly throughout the air. The shells rolling through the air as the deafening sounds came from the firing of their turrets.

As the two battleships squared off just off the shore, the sounds could reach all the way over to the Yokosuka Naval Base.

And as those sounds reached towards the land, the inhabitants of said base were soon starting to take notice of the commotion. But being in the morning, people were reluctantly and groggily getting out of bed to figure out what the commotion was as they opened their windows of their rooms.

Most of them were not in the greatest mood and were cranky that something had woken them up from their sleep. They looked out to see what it was so that they could stop it so that they could go back to sleep.

Although for most of them, that sentiment seemed to drop for most of the girls when they saw that it was 2 battleships gliding around the water lobbing shells at each other.

Most of the destroyers and cruisers just relayed back into their rooms at the sight of their firepower.

But for the bigger ships, some were intrigued by the sight.

"This is interesting-desu!"

Essex and Saratoga had been awakened in their room as well.

As the noise raged on, Essex had already gotten up from her bed while Saratoga was still laying in her bed with her pillowed covered on her face.

"Uggh, what's going on with that noise?" Saratoga groaned from underneath her pillow. "I need my sleep after Sendai keeps taking me out for night-training every night."

"It...seems familiar."

"Well, familiar or not, where is it coming from?" Saratoga said still muffled from underneath her pillow.

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