16/ An Ardorous Start

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The beast beneath Avira moved at a canter, and she felt all its muscles shift below her. The sensation made Avira uneasy but she kept herself outwardly emotionless. It had been a very long time since she had mounted a horse and though her riding skills proved efficient, she couldn't help but spout a bit of panic. Just relax. Keep calm. The creature doesn't bite. Nevertheless, the constant motion of the mare made her stomach churn.

Colsen and Rollen had gotten all the required supplies: food and water to last the next few days upon rationing, a few medical supplies and rolled up blankets to sleep in at night. Colsen had told her that they couldn't afford to sleep in an inn every night, not because they lacked coin -they had enough silver erlons to last a whole week- but because they had to keep their appearances as minimum as possible. Avira didn't know why they were reluctant but she didn't argue. She was grateful for their hesitance since she was also hiding from the world. This made it easier. She didn't ask them questions, and neither did they. Avira felt content with the silent agreement.

The bright rays of the sun shone over the land, piercing Avira with its intense heat and light. She thanked whatever god seated Above for the cool wind of artrus. The refreshing breeze swept into her cloak, leaving her cool and relaxed. It had been a while since she had felt the sun's power, and the new sensation made her uncomfortable. She had always preferred the chill to heat, even when she was a child. To be bombarded with such intense temperature at once was overwhelming.

She looked at Colsen who rode ahead of her. He handled his beast with ease, back straight as he steered the animal ahead. They had slowed from a canter due to consideration to the horses. Too much energy used at once would tire them out easily. Colsen had taken the lead since he clearly knew which direction to follow.

Avira took him in. Under the sun's light, it was clear his hair was black. It contrasted evenly with his fair skin. He clearly had muscle hiding underneath his leather jacket, despite his lean frame. By her observation, Avira deemed that he was trained in combat and was very skilled in it. She thought back to his newly-donned slash that slid along his left cheek to just barely miss his dark brown eyes. It hadn't been there when she had first seen him, appearing only the morning after. Considering he had gone after his comrade after he had stormed out, she decided that Rollen had gifted him with the wound.

Rollen. The man rode behind her, a few ways to her right. Being set in the middle of the two strangers made her feel like a prisoner with restricted movements. Nonetheless, she never made her anxious wariness show. She kept her back erect, never moving an inch. She could feel Rollen's gaze on her neck, and she itched to face him. She dug her thumbnail into her finger, the pain banishing the temptation.

Avira pondered about Rollen. He and Colsen appeared to be friends, fairly close ones. But if they were indeed comrades, why would he have scarred Colsen as he had? The cut would heal but never fade away, permanently sealed onto his skin. What had made Rollen attack his friend? What drove him to such fatalities?

She thought back to the night before. When Colsen had come clean about being an Arcane himself, she had noted how fast Rollen's body had tensed up, but not in fear. His face betrayed nothing, but Avira could see the fire blaze in his chocolate-hued eyes. Instantly she felt the hate he bore for her kind, though she didn't know to what extent. Clearly enough to disfigure his own friend's face.

However, Colsen did not seem to harbor any harsh feelings towards him, and he acted as though nothing had happened. For someone to have such fond feelings towards another that they would ignore the wounds inflicted on them surprised her.

What would it be like to have such a friend? To have such a close relationship that they overlooked all the faults and blunders of the other? Avira had never had a friend like that. Sure she had childhood friends, but all they did was play and leave. None had ever grown close to her. A tiny twinge made her heart ache. Avira shook her head.

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