The Mirror

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I have always hated having mirrors in my room. It's not because I don't like looking at myself. It's the mirror in general. If you ever see my room you won't see a single mirror, and the only one I have I can't remove since it's in my restroom. The main reason why I don't like mirrors is because of every myth and one experience that I have with mirrors.
  When I was younger like around 4 or 5 years old I would always visit my aunt's house and I would stay over. She would always tell me "cover the mirror before you go to bed okay" every single time no matter what, it was like a rule I must always follow. I would always do it with no questions asked, but there was one night that I felt so tired that I decided to take a quick nap on the bed. I wanted to take only like a 5 minute nap, but from those 5 minute it turned into 5 hours. It was 3am and no lights were on which was wierd. You might be asking "why is it wierd", the reason is my aunt is a nurse and she would work really early and usually she would wake up at 3am to get ready, but that night it was all dark, and it was uncomfortable. It wasn't her day off or anything she would have told me. The next thing I did is sit down on the bed and look straight were the mirror is at and see my reflection and something weird behind me I just thought it was my shadow and nothing else.

 The next thing I did is sit down on the bed and look straight were the mirror is at and see my reflection and something weird behind me I just thought it was my shadow and nothing else

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I tried to go back to sleep, but out of nowhere I hear a tapping noises I stud up and look around to see were it was coming from. Then I see the mirror, there was something different about it. So I got up and got close to it to see it better. As I get closer the tapping got louder and louder untill I was in front of the mirror. It had stopped, and the only thing I could see is my self I looked around the mirror to see if it was loose or something. Then I looked at the mirror one more time and this time it was my reflection that was strange. The reason why it because it was smiling when I wasn't. My reflection started to move on it's own, and I know I should have move but I couldn't I was stuck. I couldn't do any thing. I could only see my reflection that was still smile, and then see its hands move to its hair to uncovering its eyes. What I saw was so shocking her eyes were like no other the only way I can describe it is red, and evil, hungry for souls. I got so scared I screamed so loud, and I wouldn't stop. My aunt came in the room and saw me in the floor still screaming in pain. She asked "what happened?! Are you okay, what's wrong?!", I pointed at the mirror and said " there is someone in the mirror!". She whispered "no please not you" I don't know what she meant by that, but I was to scared to think about it.
Once I calmed down she explained to me why she always tells me to cover the mirror. She told me that there is myth about a demon that can kill you with your own reflection, and a mirror is the easiest way to do it. This demon just waits for the right time to kill their prey. Ever since that day I have never had a mirror in my room or even look at my reflection at night or in the dark. Who knows what can happen to me because of the mirror and what will be waiting for me.

 Who knows what can happen to me because of the mirror and what will be waiting for me

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