Zero No Tsukaima ~ Chapter 2

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Saito's P.O.V

I was walking up the white stairs, sun was blinding my eyes and it was a nice day so far. Nothing bad had happened, and I wanted it to stay like that. Walking through the halls of school, (aka academy idk) Siesta was on her way to me, short jet black hair. Or not exactly very black hair, it was shining in the sun. Uniform, skirt, breasts. As soon as she saw me, she smiled and shouted. "Saito?!" Before I even knew it, I was lying in the floor with her in top of me.

"I-I-I" She said.
"S-Sorry.." She said while she was crying.
"No don't cry." I felt her tears drip on me, feeling guilty.
I pushed her slowly away from me.
"Y-You and Louise.." She said frustrated, biting her bottom lip to not cry out.
"Did you see that?" I said with a blushing face.
She did a "Yes" face and started to rip off her bra.
"What the--"
I covered my face with my hands, blushing.
"Come on, we're having sex anyway." She said kind of happy.
"N-No!" I said with the highest voice I could manage.
"S-S-S-SAITOOO!!! YOU ARE WITH THAT MAID AGAIN!!!" Louise grabbed my cheek and started to drag me to her room.
"L-Louise It was a misunderstanding! She started!!!" I screamed at her.
We was FINALLY in her room and she threw me straight into the wall.
I can't do this anymore.
I stood up and looked at her face.
"Your Tsundere.. STOP THROWING ME INTO WALLS!" I screamed.
Oh god, save me.
"...." She looked down as I saw a tear rolling down her beautiful cheek.
I can't see this, I hate when she cries.
I walked to her and she hugged me, This might be the right time.
I stared into her eyes and whispered some words in her ear.
"I Love Y-Y-You." I whispered.
We both closed our eyes and my lips were on hers.
I pushed her onto the bed and I was on top of her.
"I love you Louise, Really much. " I kissed her and started to unbutton her shirt until she stopped me.
"S-Saito. I don't want to do this anymore.." She said.
"W-W-Why?" I said.
"C-Cause it's still light outside.." She said the same time as she blushed and looked away.
"B-But night then?" I asked her.
"I didn't promise anything." She teased me.
I stopped being on top of her and I got out of bed.
I stood up and walked to the window.
"S-Saito?" She asked.
The door opens up quickly and Agnes comes running with her sword.
Her troop is behind her and they are surrounding us with swords.
Some of them stood on the side and stared at Louise.
"Follow with us Queen want to talk with you Louise."
Ugh, they can't just continue to run into the room every time.
"Hey I'm going to follow Louise right?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.
"Yes but she wants to talk with one at time." Agnes explains.
"Wait, is it a mission?" Louise asked.
"Just come" (A/N ON ME cx) Agnes said and she walked to the courtyard.
Me and Louise slowly followed the other sword woman.

We saw a horse wagon and stared at it.
I jumped in to the horse wagon and let out my hand for Louise.

"Tch," She said and declined my hand, and got in herself.

"Fine." I said and ignored her for the rest of the way.

When we finally arrived Agnes had the feeling to open the door for us.

I don't care about stupid women first rule's.

I got out first and Louise got out as the last.

"S-SSaitoo...." She said with hair over her face.


I reached out my hand for Louise.

"L-L---" I started to feel dizzy.

Louise P.O.V

He loves me, no.
That's a big lie.

After the explosion Saito has been feeling dizzy, pfft, yeah! He deserves it.

We walked into the castle and it was shining.

It was completely clean everywhere.

Not even a bit of 'dirtiness' was inside, forgot it, Saito.

It was perfect here.

They open the door and we saw the Queen Heneritta.

Saito needs to be blushing.

I looked over to Saito and his face were redder than ever.

I'm going to kill him when we're home.

Queen looked at Saito and blushed.

The jealousy burned in me, 'You're dying tonight.'

"Louise, Saito." She said weakly.

We sat on our knees and Heneritta lifted me up again.

"You don't need to do that Louise." She said kindly.

"Okay Queen." I said with honor.

"Okay the thing I wanted to say was that you two need to look in our famous city if anything happens." She said.

"Many crimes happens there and we almost don't have enough money to give to them who lost money." She said.

So that is all?

"So it's a secret mission right?" Saito said to her.
"If you say so." Said Queen Heneritta.

Both blushed and my face was just PANG!


"Okay you two can just walk there, it's not pretty far." She says.

"Okay Queen thank you." I said as I hugged her.

"Yeah m-mm o-okay." Saito says.

I gave him the murderer glare that shot through his soul.
"S-Sorry Louise." He said, using his hands to make his eyes bigger, he didn't want the bomb.

"Fine." I said as we walked out.

It was night and the sky shines, and the stars shines too.
The light was shining on Saito and I didn't like it.

The silence broke.
"So it's night now." He said with a nervous but also with a blush.

I blushed and I didn't want him to see it so I looked away.

Zero no Tsukaima~SaitoxLouiseWhere stories live. Discover now