Zero No Tsukaima ~ Chapter 12

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The morning sun was shining in the room. Which made me open my heavy eyelids a tiny little bit. I sighed as I rubbed my eyes with my slim hands, and tried to get out off the bed. 'What was it.. Breakfast--'

''OH! NO!'' I screamed as I slammed the door open, finding Guiche with his fists trying to knock on the door. ''What..?'' I asked, trying to scratch the back of my head, trying to calm down myself a little. ''Eh, oh. Did you sleep too long?'' He asked, fixing his cape while biting his rose. ''Uhm.. I woke up for like, 3 hours ago.. and fell asleep again..'' I whispered, trying to give myself a slap across my face. ''You missed breakfast y'know..'' His voice was unsteady, rather kind of shaky. ''W-WHAT?!'' I shouted and pushed him to the side, because he blocked my way down the stairs. ''Sorry Guiche but I'm not going to miss the cook's food!'' I ran down the stairs, to the hall and then into the kitchen. ''Ahh, Saito!'' The cook screamed, giving me a small smile as his assistants appears beside him. ''Siesta went looking for you, because you would always come here too soon.'' He said, giving me a hard punch behind my back. ''Food?'' I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. ''It's cold..'' He whispered, and the assistants became sad. ''I'll still eat it!'' I shouted, my throat burning up. ''Fine, my friends. Serve him!'' He screamed, and food was placed right towards me on a table. ''Ooh.'' I sat down and began to eat. But before I did that.

''Itadakimasu!'' It looked like a good soup, with some bread with butter to it. "Do you like it?" The cook whispered in my ear, that made me startle. "Y-yeah it's good!" I shouted for no reason, biting my tongue and scratching my head. "Good, that ve--" then Siesta came in, doing the same thing as I did, slamming the door open screaming. "Saito!?" She screamed, seeing me eating peacefully at the table, enjoying the good food. "Nam nam.." I said, making her blush. What the actually fuck? I make people blush saying cute things or playing with my eyebrows.. Oh god, is.. This a harem? (and you realize this now? bitch go to duck land.) uhh, well. I enjoy this very well. "W-what?" I asked,
blushing. "I searched everywhere for you! And you are sitting here, eating!?" I frowned, but ignoring her and continued to eat the food. "Well, that's okay, Saito-kun~" she said, and with a finger snap, she was behind me. Pressing her boobs against my arm. "Uha-eh, wh-what are ha .. hha, you-- doin?" I asked while stuttering, my blush on my face was unstoppable. "Saito-kun~ I will not lose against that.. pink monster!" She shouted, pressing her boobs much harder against my arm. "Ahh, ehh.--" I started to hyperventilate, getting out the chair and running away from the kitchen. When I got to the hall I put my hands on the both of my knees, seeing sweat drip down my chin as my head was thrown backwards. "AHH, FINALLY!" Wh- wait what? And I was back in my dorm with Louise. "Where have you've been?" She asked, "I saw you sleeping and.." She blushed, trying to come closer to me. Of course, I blushed too, and then she was on top of me. On the dusty wooden floor. If you're lucky, you could find some holes in it. "I decided to bring you food~" she whispered in my ear. It was total mind fuck. Doesn't she get embarrassed doing these things?
Then I shook my head, realizing what she said. ''B-but.. I already have eaten.. in the kitchen..'' I stuttered, hitting my head with my hand. ''O--.. Baka..'' She muttered, placing a bag on the table beside the bed. ''I went through alot of effort to get that for you, and you just waste it..'' She whispered, ''I'm just going to the bathroom, call me if you want something.'' Her face darkened little by little, and locked the bathroom. I sighed and slapped myself, "I'm such a idiot." I mutter, grabbing my hair and pulling it to punish myself. "I maybe shall eat that thing to lunch, or something.." I whisper, slowly putting my hands in a normal position standing up. I hear the water going in the bathroom as I blush, little scared of the "surprise". I smile, thinking about Louise's small soft body.. if I could touch it here and there.. Pervert things were going on in my mind, well. DON'T judge me cause I'm actually Uhm.. 14-15 years old. Hormones y'know.
I rub the back of my head, smiling wider. "Maybe I should watch the sky and take some fresh air on the balcony," I write a note, putting it on the bag. I slowly open the door, running upstairs and outside on the balcony. I sigh in relief as I touch the "bar" of the balcony, seeing my hair move to the wind. "S-saito?" A low cute voice was heard in my ears, and two arms was wrapping around my stomach. "Uh.. Can't you just.. Ignore the girls around you and be with me.. For once?" I was shocked, only to turn around and pat her head, "But of course, ehh... Are we like-- a pair now?" I asked, simply blushing and rubbing the back of my head. It's like a routine. "A-- yeah.." Her voice was raspy, and the words sounding smaller and smaller. "I love you!" I screamed, pulling her closer to me and hugging her. "Please, don't let go!" I shouted, being ready to be pushed down the balcony, but nothing happened. Instead, we were both quiet. Everything was safe and sound, there it was. Two love birds on the balcony, kissing each other for a long time.
Authors note:well that escalated quickly. Do you think it's going to end with a final chapter?
I think the final chapter is going to be .. 35? Because I'm so excited for my new fanfic! Wtf seriously Gandalf, I'm excited for MY new fanfic :( please write down in the comments if you think I should continue. THANKS FOR THE READ, VOTE, AND COMMENTS xD

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