New Start

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About two days later

Kaycee and Sean's apartment

Kenneth woke up off the couch as he doesn't feel comfortable yet sharing the bed with Kaycee, he smelled breakfast and immediately walked into the kitchen

"What smells good?" he asked completely enamored with the scent of food

"Eggs, bacon, grits, sausage!" Kaycee said as she removed the apron she was wearing "I also have waffles ready"

"Do you have breakfast every morning?" Kenneth asked as he doesn't usually get up early to make breakfast as he lives on his own and Bailey is living with friends

"Yeah you can't go throughout the day without breakfast!" Kaycee said as she set the table for the two

"Wow!" Kenneth says thinking that Sean was lucky

"So eat up! Oh and excuse my cooking I don't usually cook since you know Sean's a chef!" Kaycee said as Sean's job is indeed being a head chef at a restaurant

He took the first bite and immediately moaned in delight "If nothing else comes out of this swap just know that I love your cooking!" Kenneth says

"I'm glad" Kaycee said smiling as it has been awhile since her food has been complimented "So what are your plans today?"


"You know? Plans! Like in about an hour I will be heading to work" Kaycee said

"Oh I don't know I'll probably just move more of my things in" Kenneth said

"You still don't have a job?!" Kaycee questioned

"I have a job!!! I'm a musician!!!" Kenneth states

"Right..." Kaycee not understanding how he was currently supporting himself "When was the last time you booked a job?"

"A gig?"

"Yeah... A gig" Kaycee said not too familiar with the terminology

"I don't know a few months, I'm just waiting until I sell out stadiums like ___"

"That's nice" Kaycee comments as she keeps eating

"You don't approve" Kenneth said noticing Kaycee's lack of enthusiasm

"I mean it's a nice dream but the chances of being that huge of a singer is low" Kaycee states

"Whatever" Kenneth said as he rolls his eyes as shes not the first to doubt his dreams

"I'm Sorry" Kaycee said

"Why are you sorry you're just speaking your mind like you always do" he said

"No it's just, since we're now technically boyfriend and girlfriend I should be more supportive of your dreams and goals" Kaycee said

"Oh yeah... I'm sorry for my attitude as well then" he apologized

"It's okay! How about this when I get back you play me one of your songs" Kaycee suggests

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