The day

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"Alright I'll see you after work Kenny," Kaycee said as she prepared to go to work

"Ok see ya Kayc," Kenneth said getting ready himself as he gave her a kiss on the cheek as she left

She left and Kenneth immediately grabbed his phone to call Gabe

"Bro! Help me!" Kenneth said into his phone

"With..." Gabe replied

"The swap!"

"Oh yeah!" Gabe said almost forgetting about it "So do you want to stay with Kaycee?"

"I don't know, probably it's just I'm 90% sure she wants to go back to Sean," Kenneth said

"So, you feel you already lost," Gabe said, "How would you feel about getting back with Bailey?"

"Honestly I wouldn't mind but it wouldn't last anyways" Kenneth admitted

"So, it seems if you're so sure Kaycee wants Sean you might as well go back to Bailey" Gabe said

Gabe hasn't been as caught up on Sean and Bailey like Tati has so he couldn't say if Bailey wanted to be with Kenneth or Sean or not so he was speaking in making the safest move

"Yeah thanks, bro," Kenneth said hanging up and heading to work

Meanwhile, Kaycee was driving Tahani for the final time as her car repairs were finally paid for and would just need a ride after work to pick it up

"Yeah you know for hitting my car the guy was cute so when he asked me out I said yes instinctively and... You're not hearing me at all, are you?" Tahani said

"Yeah yeah, you're going on a date with Josh yadda yadda," Kaycee said as like Sean she already pieced together Josh hit Tahani's car back then

"How'd you know his name was- never mind what's the wrong girl?" Tahani asked

"Today's the day" Kaycee replied and Tahani knew immediately what Kaycee was talking about

"Wow it finally came, so you made a decision?" Tahani asked

"Yeah, I just don't want the other to get hurt," Kaycee said "I could care less how Bailey is affected but Sean and Kenny are actually really good guys"

"You just have to follow your heart girl; do you know that some people can be together for 10 years and never get married and some people don't even know someone for a day and get married" Tahani said "it just shows that love works differently for some and if whoever you pick wants the same then you should be fine"

"I guess that's advice," Kaycee said

"I'm just saying if they say no it's not because of you just like if they say yes it's not because of Bailey," Tahani said

The rest of the day was uneventful

"So, today's the day," Kaycee said as she and Kenneth prepared to meet up with Sean and Bailey to decide about the swap

"Yeah... nervous?" Kenneth asked her

"Extremely" Kaycee admitted

"I'm sure it'll be fine for everyone," Kenneth said

Kaycee and Kenneth never talked about their decision with each other so they try not to hint at it with each other

The drive was quiet from both parties but it wasn't because they were uncomfortable with each other but the nerves were setting in

Like about to perform in a big event, the butterflies in their stomachs was present for all of them

The group decided to go back to the restaurant where they first did the swap Kaycee and Kenneth arrived first followed by Sean and Bailey

"So, it seems the tardiness was Bailey after all" Kaycee commented

"Yeah well not all of us are so boring that they make it to everything early" Bailey countered

The animosity was not there, they haven't seen each other in three months so Bailey and Kaycee didn't become friends in that time frame but they've both grown to not get angry at each other now especially being with the opposites partners

"Good seeing you bro," Sean said to Kenneth as they did their bro hug

"Good seeing you too man, I missed you," Kenneth said back

Yeah Sean and Kenneth were still best friends despite not speaking to each other for three months' now

Dinner was mostly quiet, as they all feared someone would bring up the swap and ruin the mood even though the mood wasn't ideal anyways as everyone was awkward and uncomfortable

"I think we need to just get it over with," Sean said as they all finished eating and no one would bring it up

"Alright let's just say it at the same time, say go back if you want to go back to your previous partner and stay together if you want to stay together with who you're currently with," Kenneth said as everyone nodded



"Stay together"

"Go back"

"Stay together"

"Go back"


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