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"You can do this!" Bailey was hyping Sean up


"No, just go in and do it and don't take any shit from him," Bailey said

"Alright, thanks Bai"

Sean walked into his restaurant where he has worked for years and approached his boss

"Fire my night partner," Sean told his boss

"You know we can't do that Sean," his boss said

"If you don't I'm walking out that door right now" Sean threatened

"So, quit! You don't have the balls" his boss humored him

"Fine" Sean said as he headed back to the kitchen which his boss thought he won until "I'm opening my restaurant in the next week if any of you want to leave this shithole and work with me then leave with me now"

Sean threw his chef hat on the floor and left the kitchen and the building

About 30 workers followed him out and Sean told them all to text him so they can get their schedules

"See! Didn't that feel great!" Bailey said happy Sean's finally chasing his dream

"It did! Thanks, Bails you're the best" Sean said hugging her

"It's what I do," Bailey said hugging him back " Now come on you got a week of being free so let's have fun!"

It's been 2 months and 3 weeks and Kenneth hasn't even gotten a kiss from Kaycee and he's usually not this patient but he had to confront her about it

"You don't want to be with me, don't you?" Kenneth said to Kaycee

"W-why would you say that?" Kaycee said surprised he called her out

"We had a rough start I admit but I just figured by now I would be able to at least kiss you, and this has nothing to do with the swap but I just thought I meant enough to you for a kiss" Kenneth said "You were the one who called out my love language of physical touch and I can't think of anything besides a hug from you that you have done"

"You're right" Kaycee admitted

"And another thing... wait I'm, right?"

"Yeah, this whole time I've been making you try to feel like you must earn my love and I haven't really done much for you to love me" Kaycee admitted "I'm sorry, you are probably so close to calling me a bitch"

"No, I would never call you that or any woman to be clear but honestly you haven't done much," Kenneth said "But I still know you're someone any guy would kill to be with"

"Stop you're just making that up," Kaycee said

"No seriously, you're sweet, funny, driven, independent, beautiful, talented, caring, phe-" Kenneth was saying until he was cut off by Kaycee kissing him "-phenomenal..."

Kaycee grabbed his arm and laid him down on the bed

Sean's apartment

"I'm taking you down Lew," Bailey said to Sean

"Not if I lay you out first!" Sean said back

"Come on and beat this-"

"Can you both quiet down as you play that video game!" Julian said as Sean and Bailey were playing a fighting game very competitively

"Sorry," Sean said as his roommates were cooking to give Sean a day from cooking the squad dinner

"I win!" Bailey said as they both set the controllers down "Where's my prize?"

"Right here," Sean said kissing her

"Good, but I was thinking more like ice cream," Bailey said as she sent out the hint

"Fine, I'll go buy some" Sean said picking up the hint "Watch her you guys!"

"Yeah yeah," Josh said as Sean left the apartment to go buy Bailey ice cream "So you two seem comfortable"

"Yeah it feels like we gotten used to each other quirks and have found the right balance of being with each other" Bailey said

"How much time do you two got left?" Julian asked

"... oh shit!" Bailey realized the time left they had "a week"

"Wow it has been a long time now" Josh commented

"I got to go, tell Sean I went to Tati and Gabe's," Bailey said giving the boys hugs and leaving

It didn't take long as strangely the Deguzman's don't live that far from the apartment

"Tati!!!" Bailey screamed for her best friend

"What's wrong?!" Tati came down concerned

"I don't know what to do!!!!" Bailey said

"Poor baby let's talk," Tati said

"I-I want to stay with Sean," Bailey said more to herself than to Tati

"That's great! You told me you love him not that long ago when you kissed on that date at City Walk, as in real love, not the I finally got with my longtime crush love" Tati said

"But I can't tell if he wants to stay with me," Bailey said revealing the main issue

Tati was torn she hanged out with Kaycee recently so now she's not unbiased but based off what she found out Kaycee and Kenneth were getting along but no telling if either would want to stay with each other

And from what she knows with Sean is that him not mentioning Kaycee doesn't mean he doesn't think about her

"Okay let's just say he doesn't want to get back together would you be open to staying with Kenny? You know the second time around?" Tati said

"Honestly no... It wouldn't feel right after everything" Bailey admitted

"Then you'll have to just respect Sean's decision if he wants to go back with Kaycee, either way, I know you'll find someone who will love you as much as you love them," Tati said

"Thanks, Tati," Bailey said

Sean came back to the apartment to find Bailey gone with Josh and Julian saying she went to Tati and Gabe's after realizing their time limit

"So, what do you think you're going to do?" Julian asked him about the swap

"Don't know" Sean admitted

"What do you mean 'don't know'" Josh said

"I mean I don't know if three months is a long enough for me to realize," Sean said

"Explain," Julian said

"Early on there were moments where I missed Kaycee but not lately but what's to say in a couple months I won't miss her" Sean said "On one hand Kaycee was a relationship where we grew from the ground up and was pure chemistry but on the other hand with Bailey, I'm dating my best friend"

"It's like all the history with Kayc is bugging you but you've known Bailey for so long your relationship might never recover," Josh said as they both have a history with Sean in different kinds

"Yeah you would think if I loved Kaycee I couldn't get her off my mind but If I stay with Bailey as in permanently I don't know if I'll regret it or not and vice versa with Bailey if I go back to Kaycee will I miss Bailey?" Sean said

"Damn bro that's tough" Julian commented not envying his predicament

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