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"That's funny Sean I'm guessing if anything you got Bailey's sense of humor," Kaycee said

"I wasn't kidding, I want to stay with Bailey," Sean said

"Sorry Kaycee," Bailey said

Even though Bailey and Kaycee had their differences even Bailey knows this decision is affecting Kaycee hard

"Y-you are leaving me for Bailey!" Kaycee said losing whatever composure she had

"Please don't see it like that, I just feel that as of right now Bailey makes me happier!" Sean said

"We were happy!" Kaycee shouted

"Yeah but Bailey pushed me to be better and follow my dreams, you were fine with the way things were," Sean said "You knew I hated where I worked but you never encouraged me to stand up to my boss or even open my own restaurant"

"How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me?!" Kaycee said

Meanwhile, Kenneth and Bailey had their own conversation not with words but they knew what each other were saying

Kenneth knew Bailey used to have a crush on Sean but it wasn't until he saw them tonight that he knew that crush grew into something more

And frankly, Kenneth couldn't even be mad

Bailey knew and could tell how much Kenneth has grown, he's taking care of himself he has a good job and not as reckless as he used to be

But none of that made her want to go back to him over Sean

They shared a smile and got up and gave each other a hug to mark the official end of them being together as a couple

"Still best friends?" Kenneth asked

"Yeah best friends," Bailey agreed

Kaycee then just got up grabbed her stuff and stormed out the restaurant

"Kaycee!" Sean tried to call for her but it was ignored

"What's sad is that while Kaycee might have opened more to Kenny she didn't really change that much since we last saw her," Bailey said

"I'll go talk to her" Kenneth said going outside to see Kaycee

"You okay?" Bailey asked Sean

"Yeah, it's just it wasn't her fault, she did make Kenny better she proved her point but she still feels like she lost," Sean said "3 years... she was ready for us to get married and now she's single all over again"

Kaycee raced out but stopped in front of Kenneth's car as he drove them there so she had nowhere to go

The tears were in full effect

"I can't believe I wasted 3 years on him," Kaycee said to herself "I shouldn't have done this stupid swap"

"Yeah, we're just a pair of losers," Kenneth said

"I'm sorry you didn't get to get back with Bailey Kenny," Kaycee said

"I'm sorry too, no matter how close I felt I got with you I still never got that look you would give Sean" Kenneth referring to the loving look Kaycee would give Sean

"I should have let him go when I had the chance," Kaycee said referring to when Tahani said to think of it as Sean and she broke up "Now I have no choice"

"Look I can drive you back, I already paid for our meals" Kenneth tried saying until Kaycee hugged him sobbing into his shirt

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Kaycee ran out of tears

"You know I only said go back because I knew you would want to go back to Sean," Kenneth said out loud so Kaycee heard him

Kaycee leaned into Kenneth trying to kiss him

"Kaycee you're heartbroken don't use me to get over it" Kenneth tried saying as Kaycee was just bawling her eyes out over Sean

"Kenneth I just got my heart broken over a silly decision of me pushing my boyfriend to the enemy, while I was ignoring something great in front of me" Kaycee said wrapping her arms around his neck "Shut up and kiss me"

Which Kenneth complied

Bailey and Sean walked out and saw the event

Before they would have been pissed but now they just smiled and walked to Sean's car and let them be

Maybe the swap was successful


(It's finally finished!!!!!!!
It's been like a year but it's over)

(When I thought of the idea I had no idea how to write it without it being too weird or unnatural which is why it took awhile)

(This is also the first story where I took my writing a little bit more seriously)
(Not only in format but in tone, this story had no pov the whole time, and I didn't make someone stupidly rich and I gave them real life issues such as jobs and places to live)

(I don't ship Seailey KenCee Seaycee or Baiken I just used the two popular ships as a basis
This would have worked if I did Gati, Juloe, etc...)

(So thanks again for sticking through with me on this journey)

- Star

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