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Natasha left you in silence, leaving you with your thoughts. You decided that since it was dark outside, and you'd had a long ride here, you'd go strait to bed.

The second you laid down, you weren't tired. Instead of getting up and finding something to do, you just stayed there in the dark, staring at the ceiling. When Natasha came in at 11 pm, you pretended to be asleep. You laid there until 3 am, until you finally fell asleep.




"(Y/N), time to get up!" Natasha said opening the curtains. The sunlight came in, hitting my eyes.

"Nooo!" I whined, covering your face with the pillow. "What time is it anyway?" You said, your voice muffled.

"It's 11:30, you sleepy head!" She said pulling your covers back. She grabbed your legs and pulled you out of bed. You flopped on the ground.

"You better get dressed if you don't want me to pull you down the stairs. Unless you want lover boy to come carry you downstairs." She grinned, looking at you as you blushed.

"Fine, I'll get up." You murmured, standing up. You got dressed into black leggings, and a navy blue pullover hoodie. You pulled your long (H/c) hair up into a messy bun, and came downstairs to get some breakfast.

The first person to see you was Scott, who was in the kitchen getting himself a bottle of water. "Well, you look like a zombie." He pestered, slightly amused.

"Good morning to you too" You said in a monotone. You opened the fridge, to find it halfway empty. "Geez, how much do you guys eat?" You said to yourself.

Natasha, who was behind responded: "Don't look at me! We're in a household with men who hold the majority." She said "Tomorrow, we're going to go to the market in the nearest town."

You looked towards Scott: "What are you even doing here anyway? Your identity is secret?" You asked. "Peter's too" You added.

"We're here as support." Scott answered. You got a bowl of cereal ready, and sat at the table on your phone.

Dad Hey sweetie! How was your flight? Do you know how long you'll be there?

(Y/N) The flight was fine. I don't know how long I'll be here, but Nat is here with me!

Dad What about school?

(Y/N) I can miss a bit of school!

"Hey kiddo! Who you texting?" Sam asked as he sat in front of you.

"Just my dad." You answered.

In a Heartbeat / 𝐩. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now