1. Graduation Day

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Key at end of chapter concerning all words followed by an asterisk.

Chapter One :

Graduation Day

Graduation Day was supposed to be the day of my life , it was supposed to be pure liberation---er, well, something like that. All I was certain of was pure happiness and exhilaration. I mean, that's what everyone tells us, right?

They say graduating high school is one of the biggest educational milestones of a teenager, right? I believed that old lie that our parents told us.

"Do you have everything, Kace?" my mom spoke distractedly. She had been working so hard to make sure it was like a fairy tale story - like event.

I wonder why. . . Princess Merida. . .

It looked like she was acting as though her life sorely depended on that of my high school graduation ceremony being a total success. She wouldn't even allow me to wear kitty heels in fear that I would fall off of the stage! It was quite humiliating at the time. I was the only girl in flats when walking the stage to receive my diploma! However, that was the least of my problems that day. It was only later that things became even murkier.

Feeling quite nervous, I quickly checked even though I knew for sure that I had everything that I would be needing, "Yea, mumzie," I patronized her. My mom doesn't quite like to be patronized in such a casual manner. So, that's what I did; I patronized her! I am such a wonderful angel of a daughter, don't you think?

"Oh, OK Kacie. I know what you're up to!" she grinned and pointed at me suspiciously, "I'm not going to get all worked up right now and mess things up. Just go get to where you're supposed to sit." She said the last part with a slight wavering in her voice. It was almost undetectable, but it was still faintly there. I didn't think too much of it because it was obvious: she was scared that her only child was leaving the nest and moving on to better birdhouses. Well...not that I was moving in with someone else... I was heading to college.

I did as I was told and walked off to the seats selected purposefully away from the rest of the graduating students seats. I was to receive a special award of some sort for my academics. So, I got special seating. After I found my seat, I couldn't help, but to feel instantly like high school was so irrelevant that time in life just seemed over.

The school even had an assembly for the graduating seniors last week to prepare for the culture shock that is known as college. High school was now in the past and now what? College, for some that was not an option and they would be looking for jobs. Some were kicked out of their parents' home or forced to pay rent to stay at their parents' home. It was cruel. Not all families can be the wealthiest, but with the proper motivation, each student could have went to a college or university. All they needed was the right parental support and to have applied for scholarships.

Gawd, I feel like my guidance counselor. . .

Just then, Trey caught me drifting off into oblivion, "Earth to Kitty?" he waved his hand in front of my face and the corners of his mouth perked up in interest. As usual, he made me laugh, "So, Kitty needs a cat nap? I guess, I will just come back later then. . ."

I had finally jumped out of my trance and jumped towards Trey, pulling him into a heavy hug. I whispered ever so softly into his ear, "How could I catch a cat nap with you trying to wake me up?"

Trey pecked my cheek softly, "Oh, OK. Pin it on me, that's fine!," his voice thinned. It felt as though he was considering telling me something - or something like that. "Kitty, you're still going to NYU in the Fall, right?" he stammered.

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