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Key at the end of the chapter for all French Translations.

Chapter Two :


When I finally got home I was in tears. When my mom noticed, she ran to me and enveloped me into a large, welcomed hug. I needed my mom. It was my first bad break up, well only break up for that matter.

"What's wrong, honey bee?" She tried to comfort me, cupping my face and holding my chin so I could see her face.

My mom was surprisingly more tender and maternal when she had to be. You see, I had never really needed her in this way until that day, so she never had a reason to have to be loving and maternal in that way; I loved that side of her regardless.

"Trey broke up with me because of college. 'His dad' is making him go to Oregon Uni for football. His father wants Trey to live out his dream to be in the NFL."

My mom held me tighter and the paused to look at me critically, "You're not going to Prom with him still?"

This was one of the reasons that I loved her! She would always make me smile, even without meaning to, when I was in a bad mood.

"Are you crazy?" I couldn't help, but let the corners of my mouth turn upwards in response.

"Well, you are still going no matter what. You'll kick yourself in the future for not going, like I did. Okay, now upstairs. Change in to your Prom dress."

"But mom-"

"I don't want to hear any 'but mom.' Go."

As you can probably tell, I did not want to go to Prom, but was going to have to anyways. Lucky me.

I hiked it upstairs to my room and I was well aware of my mom's eyes digging in to my back, making sure that I was going to get ready, until I entered my bedroom.

In my room, I shut my door very enthusiastically. I was so fed up with the day. I started to undress myself from the dark emerald dress that now had some fraying at the trim from my running throught the parking lot at school. Just standing in my bra and underwear, I walked to my closet and fished out a dry cleaner's bag. I laid it carefully on my bed.

I walked to my door and removed my fuzzy blue bathroom and put it on over my under garments. I let out a heavy sigh and then opened my bedroom door. I stalked down the hall to the bathroom. I needed to wash my face from the tears that ruined the make - up that I already had put on earlier.

The water was cool and soothing, it made me feel just a little better; if that was even possible at that point. Holding my face with eyes closed above the sink I reached for a clean face towel from the towel rack. My hand felt the cold metal that formed the rack then a fuzzy towel. I grabbed it and wiped my wet face with the towel. Once my face way dry, I looked in the medicine cabinet for my favorite lavender - scented face moisturizer. After that, I went back to my room to put my make - up back on.

I closed my door again, but not as harshly this time. I had calmed down by now. Standing in front of my vanity, I pulled my hair back in to a messy bun so that it wouldn't get in the way like it always does. I stared at my reflection in my mirror very closely for a few minutes.

I decided that I wanted darker make up this time. Earlier, my eyes had a silvery shadow and I wore some light pink lip gloss. However, for Prom, I wanted to wear my make up slightly bolder. I had felt like a scorned woman and I wanted to look like one.

Once I was satisfied with my makeup, I quickly put some more deodorant on just in case because well, I tend to sweat a lot at school dances. I took of my bath robe and hung it back on the back of my bedroom door. Walking back to my vanity, I rubbed on some lotion on my arms and legs.

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