How Was Prom?

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Chapter Three :

How Was Prom?

"How was Prom?" my mom asked after I woke up and was eating a bowel of cereal that was beginning to become soggy from the absorbtion of the milk in to the cereal.

"It was. . .thrilling," I said.

Well, it wasn't a total lie. The night of Prom was thrilling. Tamera got wasted and I, well, made out with a beautiful stranger. And chances are there will be no regrets since I'll probably never see him again.

"Oh?" my mom perked up because she knew that I was feeling depleted before I went.

"Yeah, Tamera introduced me to her friend Josh. He went stag to the dance, so she made him keep me company, but I told him he didn't have to. He did though because he had not really anything else to do," I spoke after swallowing a mouthful of Lucky Charms.

"That's great. What did Tamera do all night?" she questioned me, knowing Tamera's reputation.

I laughed, "You know Tamera, she made out with her boyfriend behind the bleachers."

My mom laughed. I had passed interrogation.

After finishing my bowel of Lucky Charms, I told my mom that I was going to take a shower before I got ready to go.

After my shower, I found my mom in my room, "What's up, Mom?"

"Well, I thought I'd go with you shopping."

"That sounds fun," I said as I slipped on a tube - topped dress.

My mom smiled hugely, "I'll go get ready then."

My mom was having trouble with the fact that I was going to NYU and that I'll be leaving in two weeks. I'm going to stay with my Uncle Ben for the Summer so that I can get used to New York before I start school.

* * * * *

"How about a few skivvies, Kacie? It might get cold in New York," my mom handed me a few long - sleeved, long - necked, tops.

I looked at them considering, but dumped them in the cart anyways. "Ooh! I love this crop top, Mom!" I held a magenta crop top in front of my mom.

She looked at it funny, "You'll wear a camisole under it?"

"Of course, Mom."

Not going to wear a camisole under the crop top. . .

"Okay, then. I guess it's alright."

"Let's go to the changing rooms," I said while pushing a cart completely full of clothes to try on.

My mom lightly grinned, "If you say so."

* * * * *

"So, are you sure you want the crop top, skivvies, two skirts, and leather jacket?" I could tell that my mom was doing the best to stay on top of me because I was going a hundred miles per hour.

I love to shop. What do expect?

"Of course I do. Do you mind if I go wait at the car while you buy the clothes, I need to call Tamera?" I bit my lip softly.

"You go, I got this."

"Thank - you, Mom!" I spoke as I was walking towards the doors of the store.

Once, I heard the sound of the automatic doors closing, I quickly dialed Tamera's number. I heard the usual dial tone and then her lovely voice.

"Kacie - ooh! Head! - What do you want?" she sound very hung over.

I automatically knew she didn't go home last night after I dropped her off with her brother, "Stayed at Chris's?"

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