"Hi, Ken. . ."

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Chapter Nine:

"Hi, Ken. . ."

"So, can I get you a drink?" he asked me as he ran his hand through his hair.

I scanned the area for Damia in hope of a quick escape, knowing that, her innuendo from earlier can only mean: Ken thinks more of me than an accquaintance or a friend.


"So, Ken invited you to the party?" she leaned against the door frame.

I couldn't speak. Damia just commanded a type of prescence. It was almost like she knew the latter on how to manipulate focus. I weakly nodded.

Damia wickedly laughed, "Last time I checked, he didn't go for redheads. . .this world is going insane!" She just stood there laughing, "You know what, just go to it. Have fun, I know Ken will try to!"

"We are referring to the same guy right? Blonde, blue eyes, tall?" I sheepishly asked.

"That's him!" she gushed.

I gulped shamelessly, "I don't like blondes like that, Damia."

Damia stopped laughing for a moment to process what I had just said. It took her a moment, but she doubled over in laughter, "Ken is fucked then!"

"Excuse me?"

*End of Flashback*

My voice was shaky, but I spoke fluidly, "Um, yeah. Give me a moment? Or two? I need to visit the little girl's room. I will be back soon."

"Yeah, no problem!" he paused, "What type of drink do you want?"

Pondering, I thought, Its not the first time that I have did something crazy at a party before. . .

The night of Jennifer's party flooded back to me:

Before I knew it, Hunter stopped and grabbed my waist. I stopped my victory dance and I lost myself in his eyes again. This time witty banter couldn't free me from it's trance.

"Hunter. . ." I trailed off.

Hunter leaned down and kissed me. It was like a fairytale kiss. I felt like a princess.

I let myself go and gave in to the temptation of his hair. I ran my fingers through his black hair. It was unbelievably soft. When I finally had to come up for air, I felt him begin to play with my red hair around my shoulders as he began to kiss along my neck.

"Kacie?" Ken broke me from my trance, waving a hand in front of my face.

Funny, Hunter is still putting me in a trance even though he is thousands of miles away. I am such a sucker for goo - goo moments. . .

"Um," I looked at him slightly embarassed and I noticed that I wasn't looking at him while that flashback wiggled its nosy nose in.

I was looking a certain boyfriend of mine, oh wait I almost forgot- a certain EX-boyfriend.

What the hell was he doing in a club, let alone in New York City!?

"Excuse me. . ." my voice slightly cracked, "I will be back."

Ken looked quite confused, but let me go, "OK, Kacie. I will be over by the west side of the bar. Meet you there." Almost moping, he walked over to the bar.

Still feeling uneasy about confronting Trey, I bit my lip as my legs dragged towards him. His back was turned allowing me to gather any drop of a badass image that I hoped I could fake and adaquately for that matter.

I took a silent breath and nonchalantly spoke, "What the fuck are you doing here!?" My hands found their way to my hips in a sassy kind of manner.

Trey turned around and almost looked surprised, but a wave of regret glinted in his eyes, but only for a brief second, "What do you mean, 'What the fuck am I doing here?!' It is a free country, Kacie. I have a right to be here."

I chuckled softly, "No, Trey," my tone hardened sharply, "you don't. You lost that right when you told me that you were breaking up with me. And why? Because daddy wanted you to go to The University of Oregon! Fucking hell, you couldn't have just told me what was going on before you dumped me?! You're such a fucking inconsiderate bastard!"

I didn't realize it until this moment when heads were turned to watch our little show.

"My gawd, I wasn't accepted to NYU like you, Kacie! Gawd damm, Kacie. Are you happy now?!" Trey raised his arms and looked defeated.

My anger drifted away, "I, I," my anger came back as quickly as it had gone, "You could have told me! Why did you think it was okay to play with my emotions like that?" I felt my eyes start to water slightly. I blinked back the tears.

He just walked away.

"That's right!" I shrieked, "Just walk away from me!" Stumbling in uncertainty of what to do next, I looked and noticed the eyes of ten more watchers, "What are you all looking at?"

With that I wiped my tears and walked over to the bar where Ken told me to meet him at.

I will never forget the sheer genuine look of concern that Ken had on his face when he saw the smeared mascara and my red eyes. He stood up from the stool he was perched on and rushed next to me, "Kacie, are you okay?"

Ignoring his question I shook my head, "Where's Damia? I want to go back to the dorm."

"No," his words surprised me and I looked up at him in confusion as he paused, "I'll drive you. I can drop Dame a text. Come on, let's go."

I sent him a look of relief and appreciation.

In the parking lot, it wasn't surprising that Ken drove an expensive car. He drove a blue 2014 Ford - 1500. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself when I caught a glimpse of his vehicle.

He drove a stereotypical blonde - blue eyes rich guy car- not that other people can't- oh, nevermind, you get it.

I think my chuckle wasn't just loud enough for me to hear because Ken noticed and looked at me in bewilderment, "What?"

"Nothing, its just- nevermind."

* * * * *

"Good night, Kacie," Ken's voice felt frustrated. I am quite sure that he was disappointed how everything played out.

"G'Night, Ken. I'll talk to you later," my voice was exhausted. All I wanted to do was collapse on my bunk and cry my heart out, again.

Why was the memory of Trey still tormenting me? It had been a few months (two exactly) since I had seen him last or thought of him, really.

It was like ripping a band - aid off. It was done slowly and painfully.

I sighed, "Right back at you."

That was when I tried to close the door, but a black sneaker caught its way into the frame of my door.

"Yes?" I asked starting to feel extremely anxious. My hand played with the fringe of my dress and my other hand hand white knuckles as I gripped the door knob.

Ken ran his hand through his hair and squinted his eyes slightly, "You know, you can talk to me if you want?"

"Yeah, I know, I will see you tomorrow, good night Ken." I attemtped to shut the door, but a black sneaker was in the way. In it was Ken's foot. Sighing, I looked at him in defeat, "Yes?"

He pursed his lips as though deciding something and then he opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it. After a moment or two, he finally spoke, "Kacie, I just, " he ran his hand through his hair and then looked at me with puppy dog eyes for a brief second before they hardened sharply, but I noticed it, "wanted to know if you would like to- well, like me to show you around campus tomorrow? You're new and all, so I just thought, it's better to stumble around now, rather than you first day of class."

"Okay, yeah. . ."

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