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After the war we all went to the great hall Ron and I was looking for friends and family and didn't notice harmoni leaving after three days of looking for her we decided that she was missing and the ministry started looking for her I hope we find her.


After the war Harry and I went to the great hall to look for our friends and family no one knows that 4 months before the war I raped harmoni and got her pregnant. Harmoni wanted to keep the child but I don't want children yet so I forced her to fight in the war in hopes that she would lose the child. I found her trying to get away from the wizarding world ten times so I used a compulsion spell on her. I never really paid close attention to her so I didn't know she got help. While I was with Harry I didn't notice she got away after looking for three days we decided she was missing all I hope is that she lost the child and possibly died so I don't get caught by the ministry


4 months before the war I was in my office doing paperwork when harmoni comes running in. I was confused so I asked what the problem was, she told me that four weeks ago Ronald Weasley raped her and got her pregnant she also said that he put a compulsion spell on her so she would fight in the war and not disappear she asked for my help and just as I was going to answer Molly Weasley comes through the floo I just sat and watch as harmoni told her everything. I then said I would help and Molly would also help so we came up with a plan she would fight in the war but she would have a multiple powerful protection spells around her. And after the war we find the right time to get her out and to muggle America were she would be a muggle college student that goes by the name Monica Conners. I was happy when the plan worked I still talk to her and tell her if they get close so far she had to move ten times in the last four years she had her baby turns out she had qoudruplets all girls.


A month before the war Severus came to me and said that he didn't trust the dark Lord. I didn't either i was forced to be a death eater and well when I got a job at the ministry I asked four people for help but they made me a deal I give them the names of all the death eaters and possibly the places they hide they will protect my family while I spy for them and I was fine with it Severus knew that I wasn't as loyal as I acted so he came to me prepared for the worst and asked me to help him and I agreed after I made sure he left I sent him to America changed his last name and looks so everyone would think he is dead the only other person that knows is the minister I told him so he is prepared if Severus wanted to come back to the wizarding world he teaches science in a muggle high school in a small town just out side of Miami. I still talk to him and no one has suspected anything.

( Harmoni)

After the war with the help of Minerva and Molly. I disappeared from the wizarding world and become Monica Conners. I have four beautiful daughter's there names are Samantha Minerva Granger but is known as Samantha Conners, Sabrina Minerva Granger also known as Sabrina Conners,
Jessica Molly Granger also known as Jessica Conners, Jennifer Molly Granger also known as Jennifer Conners. They don't have any friends except each other because we have to move a lot so we don't run into there father they know that they were a product of rape but they also know I really love them enough to keep them safe they know that if there father find's out that they are dead along with me. I am still in contact with Minerva as she tells me when they are getting close to our hiding place.


After the war and with the help of Lucius I was seen as dead and moved to America were I became a high school science teacher. I have nothing to complain about. After the war I realized that it was time I moved on Lilly wasn't mine to begin with so my anger was misplaced and it was time I moved on. Lilly was my friend and I ruined it by saying that hurtful word. But that was all she was.

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