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Severus's pov.

I finally cought up to miss.coners after running to catch up with her " Wait why don't you stay with me no one really knows were I live since I like to be left alone and very well I can't let you go of into hiding on your own when you are injured and being hunted you can live with me and still work at the school" I say " Mr. Prince that's really nice of you but I don't like puting others in danger" she says " you won't be I am already in danger I am hiding out also" I say " I guess it wouldn't hurt I mean we both would rather be alone so it's not like we would bother each other but I do have this little issue when ever someone is with me I kinda end up acting like there mother it's hard to stop especially since I am always with my kids" she says " that's ok it would be great I sometimes forget to eat so it's fine" I say after that I follow her home aso she could pack up her things" ok ready to go" she says and i nod and tell her to follow me when we get to my house I decided to check on her injury's and fix them being on the run means you can't always go to a hospital or doctor so I learned how to do the things I need to do to stay alive. 

(Time skip)

It's been two months since miss Conners moved in and everything has been going smoothly we go to work then come home and do our own thing she makes sure I eat breakfast,lunch,and dinner as well as have a snack in between. We don't really talk that much and when we do we mostly talk about school. Today I was in the living room reading while she was in the kitchen cooking when an owl fly's in through the open window I quickly grab the letter and the owl fly's away  I look at the letter and see it's addressed to Monica so I go to give it to her. When she sees it she smiles and reads it while I finish cooking dinner. When she comes in I see she is pale " what is it " my best friend he decided to help the kids father look for me right after being told what he did and I found out why after having a DNA test done if I were to go to take the test in it would she he also raped me I always wondered why my kids had some of his features but I was kinda knocked out during most of it and only knew one thing. " She says " don't worry they won't find you we will change you name and talk to the principle and explain why the change of name's " I say " ok  I know the kids are safe and my parents are taking the test to press charges for rape but they are really good at hiding so I don't know how long it will take" she says " I am sure it will be fine dinners done so why don't we sit and eat I do have a question are you a witch the owls a big give away I am a wizard though I don't have my wand " I say " yes I am I don't have my wand ether I am from Britten and there was awesome a couple years ago so I was able to leave while everyone else thought I was dead." She says " the same here I made a mistake of following the so called light side so with my friends help I faked my death and left " I say " I didn't know anything else I thought I was a muggle born and was always told lies now I know the truth I was kidnapped by the light and placed with muggles though I think they we squibs because they knew way to much about magic" she says " it's ok I was lied to also turns out the so called dark Lord was never actually killed anyone he stund my friends forced husband and helped her escape but she didn't want to take her child dumbledore is the one that killed James and took the child " I say " Harry Potter ya I know him we were friends and he also raped me he follows dumbledore willingly " she said " wait you know dumbledore's alive" I ask " ya I am really sensitive to magic I knew who you were the first time I walked into the school and I also know dumbledore was at the battle the entire time but never showed himself he tried to kill me once but missed " she says " since you know who I am can I know who you are " I asked " you used to call me a insufferable know it all but that's because I hid my real self by reading all the time I remember everything so it's kinda easy to hide my true self and pretend to be someone else" she says " miss. Granger I always knew something wasn't right about you " I say " not surprised professor Snape you were always observant out of all the teachers" she says " why did you hide your true self " I ask " because if I didn't I would have stuck out i am not fully human turns out my mom's from a different world or kingdom as she calls it and we are royalty there I am part mermaid part vampire but i am not like the ones in the black lake they are called sirens. mermaids can live on land or in water we can talk above and under water. We just need to go into water once every three years"she says " so to hide the fact your not completely human you focused on books ", I ask " didn't really have a choice we are sexural creatures and since we don't have to wait till we are 17 to go into a creature inhartens it becomes harder once you are 11 excpcally when you already met your mate " she says the rest of dinner was silent so was the rest of the night

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