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It is 2nd period and I have a free period so I set up for my next class and then decide to go for a small walk. When I was walking by the new teachers classroom I here the new teacher talking and got curious"ok come on girls let's read grandma Minnie's letter" she says"yay" the kids say. I hear her open it and she starts reading it.

" Dear: Monica

Everything is going well I am happy to say that Ron thinks you and the kids are dead sadly Harry isn't giving up on finding you and bring you back. You should be good for a while but be ready to leave at short notice just in case I have been trying to get Ron a trial but he has madam Munch on his side. Please be careful and remember do not write back we need to keep you guys safe. Everything is going well here I asked Lucius to hold your wand and also informed Draco and his wife that they are godparents to the girls Ginny and Draco has just got married and Molly misses you. I will let you know what is going on in next month's letter tell the girls happy birthday from all of us that supports you and we hope they love their presents. We love you all


Grandma Minnie or Minerva mogongall .

PS. I found your real parents and it turns out you are a riddle and we found out that they were not at fault it was a cover up because dumbledork created the dark Lord for the fame your parents are still alive and knows what happened they wanted to say they love you and that your real name is Sandra harmoni narcissa riddle .

After that I went back to my classroom to try to figure out what I just heard when there was a nock on the door and I go and open it and come face to face with the new teacher" high sorry to bother you the principle wanted me to meet all the teachers and I met most this morning but I didn't meet you I am Monica Conners I really like to stay to myself so please don't feel like I am being disrespectful if I don't answer anything you ask or say I also try not to talk that much and mostly use sign language oh and please call me miss. Conners I don't really answer to Monica unless it's a good friend" she says" nice to meet you I am Severus Prince call me Mr. Prince and I also keep to myself I am also the most hated person in the school" I say and she nods" ok nice to meet you I better go get my kids lunch bye" she says leaving. Well I guess she is like me in some way. After that the school day went by pretty well good news miss.conners got the 2nd most hated person here on her first day. As I was walking to my car I heard four kids screaming so I run to see what is going on only to see six of my students attacking the new teacher three holding the kids and three beating up the new teacher first I get the kids free" go run and get the principle" I tell them" yes sir just please help our mom" they day running to the school I only used there pressure point to knock them out while I go to the other three and try to get them off with out hurting them"what is going on" the principle asks but the kids don't stop" I am trying to get them off with out hurting them I used there pressure point to get the children free and I am trying to but I can't" I say" thanks Mr. Prince do you mind taking her kids into her classroom they said they would write a letter to their grandmother and see if they can stay with her" the principle says and I walk with the kids to the classroom when there three of them come over to me and starts introducing them selves." Hello it's a pleasure to meet you I am Sabrina Conners I am the 2nd oldest my older sister is writing the letter to our grandmother her name is Samantha Conners she's pretty much a mute and will only talk to the family" a girl with really light red hair it's barely noticeable and green eyes with red spec's in them says" hello it's a pleasure to meet you Sabrina you have really well manners for a four year old" I say" our mother is really smart and we are just like her with some differences we are practicing how to read chapter books she says it's better to be ready for when we start school and we always have to be well behaved" Sabrina says "sorry to interrupt Sabrina but Jen's having a panic attack again" a girl with light black hair with red highlights and brown eyes says"excuse me a minute our mother only tought Samantha and I how to deal with my younger sister's panic attacks" Sabrina says" hello sir my name is Jessica Conners i am the third oldest and Sabrina is helping our  youngest sister Jenifer Conners" Jessica says" Jessica please don't bother this nice man mom tought us better than to bother someone" the girl that is sitting at a desk in the back of the room says" I was only introducing my self like mom tought us Sam and by the way your contacts fell out" Jessica says " sorry about that sir Samantha takes care of us when mom isn't able to that only happened once and Jennifer almost died so it's hard for us to see our mother like this." Sabrina explains" you guys can call me Mr. Prince" I say" sorry sir our mother tought us to call everyone sir or ma'am if she or we don't really know them also to all teachers even if they aren't ours " I guess Samantha says" I also said that if they allow you to call them something else you be polite and call them that" miss.conners limp in to the room" yes mother, I am sorry for disrespecting your wishes" Samantha says" ok kids listen your father found out that you guys and I are alive so you are going to your grandparents my real family till it's safe they are waiting outside side so let's go" she says" but mom what about you"Samantha says" don't worry about me ok all that matters is that your safe if i don't survive just know I love you and here open it when you're safe know go " miss. Conners says" miss Conners are you ok" I ask" yes I am and thanks for saving my children and watching them"miss. Conners says"it's no problem they are really well behaved and smart" I say as I watch her get her things"they are sadly there father wants them dead hopefully he won't kill me trying to find them but all I Care about is there safely." She says"can I ask what was going on when the students started to beat you up" I ask" if you look at the board you will understand the why, but I was going to my car to get the rest of my boxes for my class room when they came out of nowhere they first tried saying they could get me fired by saying I had sex with an old student but when I told them that I graduated college two years ago and that this is my second year teaching. They started to get angry apparently no one gives them detention and then they threatened my children and I don't fight or use the pressure point in front of my children because Jennifer gets really scared when around violence" she says" I completely understand but I would feel better if you let me take you to get checked out those students scared all of the teachers so they don't get detention but I they never scared me" I say" well I have had worse and seen worse so there little act doesn't scare me and the principle even said that I should just get rid of the detention or quit" she says" everyone here is scared of them except for me so they won't get into any trouble" I say" well I am not scared and I will be emailing there parents and giving them a month of detention" she says" it's smart I advise you do it during the weekend or when you have the day of because they can get worse I threatened there parents that if they tried to lay a hand on me again I would go to the police. Let's just say they got mad and tried so I did as promised it scared there parents and them but since your children were involved I am pretty sure they won't be coming back to the school there parents told me that if little children were apart of it that they wouldn't be in the school any more I think there parents are also afraid" I say" thanks for the advice and I have seen parents that are afraid of their children, when I was in boarding school I was raped and I went to the headmistress asking for help at that time I didn't know who my real parents were and my adopted parents died. I was pregnant and the boy that raped me tried to kill the kids that I wanted to keep. So asking for help was the better option His mother found out and tried to report him but it didn't end well without me they had nothing to go on and she is terrified of him. That's why I keep moving there father believed i was dead but our best friend didn't and has been surching for me so when he is close to finding us we move since the girls father thought I was dead it was safe for the kids to be with me he still wants them dead we moved ten times my last place was new York city they must have found something and there father found out they are alive I gotta get home and pack then find a place that is more hidden since he doesn't want to be caught he will most likely kill me" she says leaving and I run after her.

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