Chapter 1

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Riley POV.

Hi. My name is Riley Maxwell and I'm a witch. Actually I'm a muggleborn witch. Both of my parents are muggles. Today is September first and I'm at Kings cross station. I'm going to my third year at Hogwarts and I'm very excited to see my three friends James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. We also get into a lot of trouble because we are pranksters. It's what we do for fun. I can't wait to see them.

I have brown chocolate eyes and curly black locks.

"Riley, I'm going to miss you so much. Have a good term and make sure I don't get letters from the headmaster. I already have enough of them." My mom tells me.

"I'll try." I lied. She chuckled knowing that her wish wouldn't come true. "We've also arranged with the Potters that you will be spending the Christmas holiday at their place. I'm going to miss you." She finished while drawing me into a rib-crashing hug.

"Dad.... Help... Can't......breath...." I said while looking at my father. My mom let go while her eyes became watery. I rolled my eyes. She was so dramatic.

"Kido, I'm going to miss you. It's always boring without you. Greet James, Sirius and Remus for me." He said while hugging me. "Make sure Dumbledore sends me a letter which will make me laugh," he whispered in ear as I grinned.

"Anything for you dad. " I said. I hugged them for the last time, waved to them a goodbye and ran to the barrier.

I smiled as I saw the scarlet train with the words 'Hogwarts express'. I was going home.

"Riles." I heard a voice behind me saying. I smirked and turned around hugging my friend. Sirius Black. He had grown tall over the summer but the lopsided smile which was always on his face was there.

I let go but my arms were still around his neck.

"Fine. Great actually. You know I chose to take muggle studies this year and my mom had a fit. Hilarious. Now I'm going to study and make sure I pass. I cant imagine the look on her face when I pass in that subject." He said.

I snorted. "You? Study. That's a first but I am sure you'll pass anyway." Of course he would pass. He was one of the brightest wizards of our age though he didn't study. So was James. Remus an I were also top 5 in the examinations but the brightest witch of our age was Lily Evans. My great friend. James crush.

Speaking of James I heard Sirius yell his name and I let go of him so that he could greet our friend. They bro hugged and then I embraced him in a hug. I had to stand on my toes because he had gotten so tall. He turned me round and I giggled in delight.

"How was your holiday?" He asked. "Good." I answered.

Then we saw Remus come to where the three of us were. I hugged him tightly. He ruffled my hair and I let go. He greeted Sirius and James and then faced me. His blond hair was everywhere and he had also grown tall.

"Hey! How come the three of you have grown tall and I haven't?" I asked while pouting. "So that we can protect our princess." Sirius said while bowing. I smacked his head and he looked at me with fake anger.

"You promised you would stop calling me that." I told Sirius. Other girls would have loved if the marauders called them princess but it irritated me. They started calling me that ever since I let it slip in our first year that I used to love princesses when I was five. Since then I have never heard the end of it.

I was going to respond but I heard Lily's voice calling me. I squealed in delight and gave a hug that almost knocked her out. She had been my friend and roommate since first year. We asked each other how our holidays were and after that she greeted Sirius and Remus and went to look for Snape.

"Hey Evans, will you go out with me?" James asked her. "Not in your wildest dreams Potter." She answered and walked away. I rolled my eyes and we entered the four of us entered the train while James muttered something which sounded like 'someday' and 'Evans'

"Jamsie, don't you think if you are going to ask Lily out you have to stop calling her by her last name?" I asked.

" I only call her Evans because she calls me Potter." He answered. I rolled my eyes. Again. "Pride." I said in a sing song voice and it was now James turn to roll his eyes.

The train started moving and we all shared to each other how our holidays were.

"At least this year we don't have to sneak out of school to get to Hogsmead. " Remus said. We all nodded in agreement. We had been sneaking to Hogsmead in our second year when we found the secret passages out of school. There are seven of them but Filch knows of three and one is blocked. So we always use the ones remaining. We now know the school like the back of our hands.

We were still chatting when a girl our age walked in. She greeted Sirius while biting her lips. Of course, I should have seen it coming. Almost the hole female population of third years and below have a crush on either Sirius, James and Remus. Mostly Sirius.

But what I didn't see coming was the girl sitting on Sirius' lap and then they started snogging. James, Remus and I looked at each other and gagged. We then walked out of the compartment leaving Sirius alone with his snog buddy.

"We meet back here after thirty minutes. Lets give this people their space. Okay?" Remus said. "Fine" James and I said at the same time. They went and sat in Frank Longbottom's compartment an I went to Lily's.

She was shocked.Actually all of them were I always sat with the boys on the train."Care to explain why you're not sitting with them?" Lily asked. "Don't ask." I told her.

I greeted the three girls she was sitting with who apparently were also my roommates. There was Marlene McKinnon a blonde haired haired girl who had a crush on Sirius but would never admit it. Then there was also Alice Prewett, a brunette who was shy but could kick your but when you got to her nerves and lastly we had Mary Richardson, a black haired gurl who was friends with almost everyone.

We talked about anything and everything since those girls were like my sisters. We laughed and chatted and after thirty minutes I remembered the agreement we had made.

"I have to go. See you guys later." I told my three friends. "Okay." Lily said and I went back to my compartment. I found the snog buddy gone and Jamsie and Rem sitted. Sirius looked at me and I gave him a look which clearly stated 'what was that?'

It was silent until James broke it.

"So......" He started.

"The hormones have finally kicked in haven't they." I said jokingly

"Wait..... Your not mad?" Sirius inquired, his eyebrows raised. "Of course not. Although I am hurt that you didn't tell me. So what's her name?" I asked excitedly. Sirius looked on the floor while running a hand through his hair, a habit that him and James had gotten accustomed to. He finally looked at me and my chocolate eyes met his grey ones.

"Umm.....Chloe, Chléo or was it Courtney?" He debated with himself. James and Sirius shared a knowing look and I punched Sirius' arm although I knew that he didn't feel any pain.

"You are hooking up with a girl and you don't know her name? I don't even know what to say or what to do. It's your decision. As long as you don't come having red stains on your lips I'm fine." I said. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders.

"So now that that's cleared we need to have a name to put on the map." James said and we nodded in agreement. The map which we had was no ordinary one. It was an enchanted map of Hogwarts which showed where everyone was at that time. We already had the words to open it which were I solemnly swear that I am up to no good and to close it we say mischief managed. Now we need a name and were all done.

"Oh. What about Sirius." Sirius said

"No." James retorted.

"Heck no." I added.

"I rather back out from this gang than be called Sirius." Remus said.

Sirius put his hands on his chest and with a mock expression he muttered "Fine"

Everything is possible. The Girl Marauder.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant