Chapter 4

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Riley POV.

We were in the boys dormitory. I was sitted on the spare bed which belonged to their former roommate who transferred because he was always a victim of their pranks.

"Hogsmead is next week. Who are you guys going with?" I asked them.

"I'm going with that hot Hufflepuff chick, Victoria. She's really pretty." Sirius said.

"Perv. Honestly do you only associate with girls because they are pretty?" I ask him.

"No. I associate with you don't I?" He asked. I hit him at the back of his head.

"Is-that-supposed-to-mean-I'm-not-pretty?" I said while punctuating every word with a punch. Remus and James were just watching, laughing loudly.

"Ouch! No. I didn't mean that. You are absolutely the- Ouch- most prettiest- Ouch- girl I have ever met." Sirius shrieked so that I could stop punching him.

"Smooth and thanks." I said and went back to sit at the spare bed like nothing had happened.

"Welcome." Sirius muttered. I gave him my own innocent smile. He smiled back. You see, everything's fine.

"What about you James. Who are you going with?" I asked.

"I'm going to ask Lily." He said. I rolled my eyes. That boy will never give up.

"Who will you go with if Lily doesn't agree? I don't think she would anyway." Remus asked.

"I've already thought of that. If she doesn't agree I'm going with Frank and his mates. What about you Remus. Who are you taking?" James said.

"I'm not taking anyone." He replied simply.

"Why not. I mean you like Mary. Mary likes you. Why don't you take her?" I said.

"I can't. I'm a monster, remember. " He said.

"Rem, you fold your socks. I'm sorry I'm not shaking at the sight of you." Sirius chimed in.

"What part of me being a monster don't you understand."

"And what part of folding socks don't you understand."

"Look Rem, you only transform once a month the other thirty days you are still the sweet Remus who wouldn't hurt a fly. Now are you going to sulk there over one bloody day or are you going to ask Mary out because you're a really good guy?" I asked.

"I'm going to ask Mary out." He murmured. I high fived with Sirius.

"Besides your situation is like girls period. Apart from your is only one month, there's is five days. And they bleed and get Period Mood Swings." James said.

I glared at him. "You know, I am starting to see why Lily doesn't want to go out with you." I said and Sirius and Remus chuckled.

"Anyways who are you going with, Riles?" Remus asked.

"Nobody." I said.

"Why? Haven't five guys already asked you?" James asked.

"Oh. They have. I just don't want to. Besides I want to spend my day in Zonkos. We are running out of prank equipment." I said.

"Well I and Vic can go with you till Hogsmead and leave you to go to Zonkos." Sirius chimed.

"No. I'm going with Xeno Lovegood. I promised to help him carry his horntail something to Hogsmead. He said he wants to trade them." I said.

"Lovegood. As in Xenophilius Lovegood. That weird Ravenclaw guy."

"He is not weird James. He's just highly misunderstood." I said.

"You right." Sirius snorted. I ruffled his hair.

"Why did you have to do that. Don't you know how long it takes to create the masterpiece that's my hair. While couldn't you have punched me instead." He said.

"Okay." I said and punched him.

"Well now that that's finished. Who wants to go to the kitchens." James asked.

"Me!" Remus, Sirius and I said and we all walked out of the room going to the kitchen.

I can't wait to go to Hogsmead.


I was sitted at the the table with James and Sirius in the great hall. Tomorrow was the first Hogsmead trip of the term so chatters could be heard in the great hall.

"I did it." Remus said.

"Did what?" Sirius asked.

"I have asked Mary to accompany me to Hogsmead and she's said yes." He said.

"That's fantastic. See there wasn't anything hard about that." I said. He nodded.

"Speaking of Hogsmead and dates, have you asked Lily yet?" Remus asked James.

"Yo Lily." James called to Lily across the table. Lily turned around and gave him a nasty look. "I don't have time for this Potter. And the answer will always be no." She said.

"How did she know that I was going to ask her out." James asked.

"Probably because you do it every single freakin time you talk to her." Sirius replied. James shrugged. I looked at him and saw the hurt he was hiding by putting on a smile. I had a way to help him but I don't think now is a good time to tell him.

The four of us were in the common room. "Guys you need to tell me what to buy so I cam put it in the list." I told them. They told me all I needed to buy. It was midnight when my head laid on the comfort of the pillow

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