Chapter 5

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It was the Hogmead day and frankly I wasn't even that excited. I mean I wasn't going with anyone, not that I wanted to anyway. And I don't think I'll even stay there for long. I feel lazy today.

I wore my ripped jeans, Remus Batman T-shirt which was too big for me and Sirius's hoody which was also oversized. This was a habit I had, wearing their clothes and all that. But their clothes were so baggy and comfortable and made me comfortable in own skin. And they smelt nice too. I tied my hair into a messy bun, wore my white sneakers and went for breakfast after the girls critiqued me on what I had won. I did not get why they were all glamed up. It's not as if they were going to meet the queen.

"Hi guys." I said tiredly while sitting next to Sirius.

"Hi." They replied. We were all eating in silence until James broke it. "Who's Lily going with Hogsmead?" He asked. "Severus." I answered. He sighed. "Don't worry, they're only friends." I told him.

"Have you seen the way Snape looks at her. It's full of lust." Sirius said. "You're not helping." I said at the corner of my mouth so he was the only one who could hear. He raised his hands in surrender.

"Besides, Lily doesn't see him in that way and she never will." I told James. He just shrugged. "See ya later." He said and went of to find Frank.

"Do you think that Lily will ever fall for James?" Remus finally asked. "Only time can tell." I replied. Rem also bid us good bye and walked out of the hall with Mary by his side. Now it was only me and Sirius left. "Are you sure you want to go alone? I could cancel with Vic and go with you instead." Sirius said.

I smiled. Ever since our first year, Sirius hated seeing me lonely and would do anything to stay with me so that I was never alone.

"That's sweet of you Sirius but I'll be fine. I promise. Now go off and find your princess." I said.

"But you're the princess and you're right here beside me." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Just go Sirius."

"Well I can see I'm not wanted. Bye."


I went off to find Xeno.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." He replied. He was carrying two boxes which I'm assuming were full of horns. "So should I take one of them?" I asked pointing at one of them. He nodded. I took one and we were off.

"So how have you been?" He asked me.

"Good and you?" I asked.

"Fine. Apart from the fact that people always call me a weirdo and all that. But you know I don't really care. They can say what they want." He replied.

"It's not fair what they're telling you. You don't deserve it.

"Oh well look at the weirdo and the mudblood." I heard a voice behind me say. We both turned around. It was Bellatrix Black and Rodulfus Lestrange. They always thought that they were better than everyone just because they came from the purest blood family.

"Hexio." She shouted. "Protego." I muttered. Bellatrix and my wand were facing each other. She did the wrong thing messing with me. I'm the best witch at Charms and DADA in our year.

"Jellio." I said at a blue light erupted from my wand and it hit Lestrange. I had hit him with a jelly hex and it made his legs so wobbly that he wouldn't stand up. Serves them right. Black went to the side of Lestrange and levitated him up.

"This isn't the last you've seen from me Maxwell." She said.

"C'mon Xeno, lets go." I said.

I left Xeno at a pub and he said that according to what Hagrid told him, he would find people who are ready to make the trade.

Everything is possible. The Girl Marauder.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora