Chapter 3

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I woke up very early, prepared myself and wore my Hogwarts robes. I sneaked out of the dormitory not wanting to wake the others up. Usually on the first day most people wouldn't wake up early but that was not my case today. I'd wake up at any time if it was for a prank. I went out through the portrait of the the fat lady and headed towards the Great Hall.

I found my three friends seated at the Gryffindor table. They looked excited. I walked over to them. "Hi." I greeted them. "Hi." They replied. We were the only people in the hall hence making it easier to prepare our prank.

"So which tables have you guys chosen?" I asked them.

"Gryffindor." James said.

"Hufflepuff." Said Sirius.

"Ravenclaw." Remus responded.

"Great. Leave me with the charming Slytherin." I said sarcastically. They all smiled sheepishly. We all muttered the incantations at the tables we had chosen and left the hall to re-enter with other students so that it couldn't be suspicious. I know you are probably wondering what we have planned but don't worry, you're about to find out.

We entered the Great Hall and found both teachers and students awestruck. There was no food on any of the tables and there was a big banner behind the teacher's table written 'DIG IN.' I smirked inwardly and went to sit at our table. For five whole minutes nobody knew what to do and everyone was just looking at each other confused until Dumbledore stood up.

"I believe that the food has been enchanted to be invisible. Prepare your taste buds for you do not know the food you might eat." Dumbledore said.

I swear that I saw his eyes flicker to where we were sitting for a second. Anyways it was fun watching people's expressions when they ate their food. Their gags when they ate something they did not particularly like and the relief they had when they tasted the food they were hoping for.

After breakfast McGonagall came and gave us our timetable. Double potions, History of Magic, Herbology and Divination. Sluggy, Binns, Collins and Trelawney all in one day.

"Hey,Minnie. Did you want to kill us on our first day of third year?" Sirius told McGonagall while looking at his timetable. He had just voiced the words in my head.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Minnie. Are you begging for loss of house points? Surely you don't want that to be happening on the first day?" Minnie said and without waiting for an answer, she walked away.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today." Sirius mumbled. We went to the dungeons for our potions lesson.

I swear that day was the worst. I literally slept in all the lessons. I could tell that I wasn't the only one since in all classes everyone was dozing off apart from Remus and Lily who have never slept in any lesson.

"Can you believe that woman?" Remus said after our divination lesson. He was talking about Trelawney. "She said she saw the grim in my teacup." Remus fumed. "She also saw it in mine." I said. "And mine." James added. "Don't forget mine too." Sirius said. Man, the woman really likes predicting peoples deaths.

"I think she's a fake. I mean she told me I'm going to die while falling into a veil. The last time I checked somebody always falls through a veil." Sirius said.

Honestly, where did Dumbledore find this teacher. At a hotel pub?


It was mid October when it happened. The days had flown so fast and we were almost nearing the holidays. We had already gotten a lot of detentions, sneaked out of Hogwarts at sometimes and realized a dungbomb in Filch's office one or twice, or ten times.

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