Chapter 8

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Riley POV.

We had already closed for the summer.(AN: They are in the summer of their third grade. Nothing exciting happened in their last term so I decided to time skip.)

I was going to the Potter Manor. Obviously. I had nowhere else to go. I kissed Remus' cheek goodbye on the platform and he went of to his parents.

"So, I'm also going to get my goodbye kiss, right?" Sirius asked. I rolled my eyes. Flirting really was in Sirius's blood.

"Well it depends. Do you want a goodbye kiss?" I said.

"Obviously." He answered and wrapped me in a hug. I was probably more close to Sirius than any other person and he was to me. It is kind of great to know that someone will always be there for you. Anyway, I also kissed his cheek.

"Bye. Write to me. Okay?" I told him.

"Of course." He answered and went off to tell James goodbye.

"Remember bro, if things get to rough at your home you are always welcome at our place. My mom and dad really love you." James said.

"Don't even worry about it. Bye." He said.

"Bye." We replied and he went of to his mother. I feel sorry for him. His family is just full of people who think that purebloods are the best and Sirius beliefs are so different from theirs. He doesn't believe in that stuff. And he is also in Gryffindor. No one in his family has ever been in Gryffindor. I hope he'll be okay.

"James, do you think Sirius will be okay?" I asked him. It was a week into the summer and Sirius hadn't contacted anyone. Not me, not James, not Remus. None of us had gotten a letter from him despite the multiple ones that we had sent him and frankly it was bothering me.

"Honestly Riles, I don't know. The Black family is crazy one. But Sirius is strong. He'll survive. And we told him that he could come here if things got worse. He'll be fine." He said. But I know he wasn't sure of it. It was like he was also trying to convince himself. I sighed. I just hope he's fine, wherever he is. We went back to our exploding snap game.

We were half way in our game when we heard a knock on the door. Weird, we weren't expecting anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were already in the manor so I was kind of curious on who it could be. I thought it was Sirius but I pushed the thought to the back of my head. It can't be Sirius. I told my self though part of me wanted to believe he's the one who knocked.

James POV.

Weird. Someone's just knocked. I know for sure that we weren't expecting anyone. I look at Riley to see if she has any idea of who it could be but from her facial expression she doesn't have any idea.

"I'll get it." I said and went to the door. I opened it and what I saw left me dumb founded.


AN: Sorry for the short chapter and cliff hanger. But you have to agree, it does add spice to the story. Anyways I'll make sure to update as soon as I can.

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