Chapter 11

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Riley POV

It's History of Magic lesson. I'm not even listening. I'm playing tic tac toe on the edge of the table with Sirius. After what seemed like eons, people start walking out of the classroom and that is our cue to leave.

"Do you guys think that if you actually listen to Binns, you would pass more than you already do?" Remus scolded us.

"But it is so much work." James whined. I agreed with him.

"What will you guys do, if one day I refused to hand you my notes to prepare for the examinations?" Remus asked.

"Simple. We'll fail our very very important end of the year examination and you would have nothing to do but drown yourself in guilt, repeatingly asking yourself the question 'Why, oh why, didn't I allow them to read my notes?' " I answered.

"And you wouldn't want to live with all that guilt, would you?" Sirius added.

Remus sighed but he didn't continue with the battle. He already knew he had lost. As we were walking to the dungeons for our potions lesson, a voice boomed from, I don't even know where.

"FOURTH YEARS AND ABOVE! REPORT TO THE GREAT HALL IMMEDIATELY. THE CLASSES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. YOU HAVE EXACTLY FIFTEEN MINUTES TO BE IN THE GREAT HALL!" McGonagall's voice rang. After that announcement it was a stampede. Finally after those tormentful torturous years of muggle pre-school, I had actually learnt something; how to protect yourself from going with the stampede flow-something I had learnt from the lunch hours in pre-school.

After the bustling, pushing, cursing, effing and blinding commotion to get to the great hall at once, we finally made it in a not so graceful manner. The pushing had drained all the energy from me.

"I hope they are serving us food for all the potential energy I have unwillingly wasted." Sirius exclaimed while we sat down at the Gryffindor table, voicing the words that were swimming in my puny greymatter.

Finally, everyone was sitted and eagerly waiting for the announcement that could have made Hogwarts cancel the lessons. Professor McGonagall stood up and cleared her voice, an indication she was going to tell us the announcement. Pin-drop silence engulfed the great hall.

"I know you all must be wondering why the sudden assembly." She started. We nodded in agreement. "Well, this year we have decided that we are going to have a grand ball." She continued. Murmurs erupted throughout the hall.

"What a valid reason to cancel classes." I heard Lily say sarcastically.

"Lily, how many times do we have to go through this. Any reason for cancelling classes is a valid enough reason. We've been over this." I tell Lily. This was starting to become those 'fool me once, shame on you; full me 6000 more times, shame on me instead.

Lily just rolled her eyes. Clearly, she doesn't get the joy of no lessons. And people say that I'm the one who is crazy.

"Moreover, we have decided to switch the roles a bit. Instead of boys asking girl out, it will be vice versa-the girls will ask the boys." McGonagall said.

Once again murmurs swept the hall and I broke into a fit of giggles. The boys look at me as if I've gone mental.

"Riles, what are you laughing at?" James asked.

"You don't know what this means?" I asked. The boys shake their head.

"You guys are one of the most popular people in Hogwarts. That means dozens of girls have a crush on you." I said.

"I don't see a problem there." Sirius said.

"Of course you don't. But it is going to be hell until the day of the ball. Girls are going to be fan girling on you and going to be asking you that. The screaming. The squealing. The tears when they get rejected." I shuddered at the thought.

"It's not going to happen to me Riles, I am liked by the quiet good girls." Remus bragged. James and Sirius look at each other in shock and I laughed at them.

"C'mon guys, lets go to the common room. You guys need rest. Tomorrow will be one heck of a day." I told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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