ii. three conditions

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a/n: fixing format of chapter, sorry if you get a notification. 

It took Chanyeol a moment to process what Baekhyun said on top of their hours of fighting that just took place.

"...Okay. I-I can do that." He agreed to Baekhyun's challenge a few moments after.

He watched as his husband looked over at him, with his tired, doe eyes. He looks so exhausted.

"I'm not finished. I have three conditions." Baekhyun spoke in a tired voice as he positioned himself to sit right in front of his husband.

"One, we do marriage counseling to help." Baekhyun looked at his husband in the eye, he could tell he was serious. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was the type to not want outside help in their crumbling marriage, but Baekhyun didn't see how he was fit to disagree with him considering the circumstances.

Chanyeol sighed, "Fine. But how are we going to afford it?" Baekhyun bit down on his lower lip. That, he didn't exactly have an answer to. "I mean, isn't your friend...uh- what's his name again?" He racked his mind trying to find the answer that seemed to be at the very tip of his tongue. "...You mean, Minseok?" Chanyeol gave him the answer he was trying to figure out. "Yeah, him. Isn't he a therapist?"

"Yeah he is. I just feel bad asking him for help especially for a very small fee." Chanyeol did have a point but Baekhyun was reminded of all the many favors Chanyeol has done for Minseok before. It was the least his friend could do for him. "You've done so much for him before. Can you talk to him about it at least?" Chanyeol's gaze softened as Baekhyun laid his eyes upon him once more,

"Of course." Chanyeol replied.

"Two, don't...smother me." Chanyeol knitted his eyebrows together at what he said, "What do you mean? Don't you want me to show you I love you? Isn't that the point of this?"

Baekhyun sighed, "Smothering me doesn't show me you love me, Chanyeol." He continued, "Give me space and time to heal, but also don't abandon me. Just do it at a healthy pace, y'know?" He sighed, knowing how complicated he sound but he felt the other grab his hand and squeeze it, "It's okay, I understand." Baekhyun stared at him with a soft gaze for a moment until reality of the situation sunk in again.

He looked down at Chanyeol's hand holding his and Baekhyun didn't hesitate to pull his hand away from his grip.

"Three, you cut off all contact with her." He mentions just the even thought of her making his stomach flip.

Did he blame the young girl for the mistakes of his husband? No. But, it didn't stray away from the fact she was still a part of the adultery.

It was normal for Baekhyun to want Chanyeol to break off all contact from her. "I was going to do that anyways." Chanyeol spoke up and Baekhyun scoffed, "As if I believe that." He shook his head and looked back over, "I'm serious about this, Baekhyun. I want to make this work and I'm willing to do anything for that to happen." Baekhyun opened his mouth to make a slick remark that if Chanyeol was so serious about this relationship he wouldn't have cheated to begin with, but he decided against it. His head hurt and god what time was it even. They were arguing for so long, he lost track of time.

Baekhyun stood up, "Whatever you say, Chanyeol." He bitterly spoke, leaving it at that. "Where are you going?" He heard his husband question as Baekhyun rubbed his eyes then glanced over at the clock that decorated the wall above their television. '3:00 AM, huh?' Baekhyun thought to himself. They have been talking about this for that long? He knew it been hours but damn.

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