v. little by little

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a/n: hello! here's a short fluff chapter. . I would also like to mention every couple that experiences adultery heals and improve at different rates! Please be mindful that not everyone is the same! I am taking any experience I witnessed myself and putting it in the fanfiction because it's based off that type of improvement system.

21 out of 91

It's been another week.

Another week of twisting and turning in the royal blue sheets that decorated their new mattress. Another week of trying to get use of the awkward atmosphere that engulfed them as they laid beside each other in bed, trying to keep an appropriate distance. Another week of trying to make small changes in their lives that will matter in the long run.

It's been another week and Baekhyun can confidently say, they're making small progress.

Baekhyun didn't expect any of this to be easy. He knew even just changing their mattress wouldn't put him at ease completely. He knew no matter how soft the sheets he was entangled in, the haunting thoughts would creep up on him again.

His mind would begin to fill with horrible scenarios and thoughts. Just like before every-time he'd come home and lay together in their bed, reasons he avoided months ago when it just got worse. Even now, he silently still preferred being at his office at unruly hours to avoid the night-time and his mind the best he can.

Yet, he knew that wasn't an option anymore. Especially, for the sake of his marriage.

As he laid in bed the voices would fill his head and prevent him from sleeping until he finally took a pill or two to knock himself out. Everyday before returning at a normal time from work, he'd mentally prepare himself for the heavy feelings to come when he'd lay down beside his husband once more.

But, relationship wise it was getting better for them, slowly. Very slowly.

Hopefully, it stays that way.

"Hey. Sorry if I'm disturbing you while you're at work." Baekhyun's voice ran through the speaker of Chanyeol's office phone.

The giant blinked out of confusion a few times when he first saw the caller ID blinking on his small screen. He didn't expect the other to call him.

"No, you didn't. Are you at your desk right now? You know you shouldn't-" Chanyeol went to rant that Baekhyun should be distracting himself while being in the middle of work until his husband's small snort from the other side of the line cut him off.

"No, dumbass. I'm on my lunch break right now."

"Your lunch break? So, as in just eating a sandwich then smoking a cigarette after?"

Baekhyun's lips curled up into a small smirk, "Well look at that, you know me well after-all." He teased.

He heard Chanyeol scoff on the other side of the line, "I know you better than you know yourself, trust me." He played along.

Their conversation consisted of talks of how exhausting work was and Baekhyun complaining about how much work he'd probably have sitting on his desk once he got back because his boss was nothing but a cunt to him, taking advantage of him always offering to stay late as an impression he wanted to work harder and longer. Baekhyun pushed the tip of his burnt-out cigarette against the brick wall he was leaning against, phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder.

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