iii. the list

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a/n: thank you for almost 1k reads. i really hope you guys are enjoying this.

"Why...Why didn't you tell me you were married?"

He heard that typical soft voice that was once heaven to his ears speak that now set an uneasiness in his stomach, echo in his quiet office room. Chanyeol turned around, hands still gripping the papers that were once on his desk. He bit down on his lip nervously as he faced her.

He wasn't sure what to say to her at first. How exactly could he even explain this without looking like a completely asshole?

"Yoona, Listen..." He sighed as he placed the papers down on the desk and fully faced the shorter girl. His eyes took in the sight of her. The underneath of her eyes were red and puffy, her expression wrote a mixture of feelings all over it, and she spoke to him in a tone laced with anger with hints of curiosity.

"Things with me and Baekhyun weren't going okay for a long time. He did things and clearly, so did I. Things...that weren't okay. We were struggling yet neither one of us spoke up about it." He took a deep breath and continued.

"Then I met you and I just, you reminded me so much of what I had before and I just- I don't know. I made a mistake. I fucked up." He confessed.

"You did, you did fuck up. A lot. And you know what sucks even more for me?" She questioned as he watched her move closer to him.

"That I fell in love with you. Hard. Harder than with anyone before." She unexpectantly wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing the side of her face against his chest comfortably. "You've made me feel so happy. I felt whole when I was with you, you treated me better than all those other scummy boyfriends I've had before." She continued.

"Don't you understand? I love you, Chanyeol, I have for a while and I know deep down you feel the same."

He didn't know how to feel nonetheless how to even respond. Everything was still jumbled inside of him, but one thing was clear that he was serious about trying to fix things with his husband and their crumbling marriage.

"I-"He went to speak but he felt the arms around his torso tighten slightly. Yoona looked up at him with charming eyes, "Please, Chanyeol. If you weren't happy then why stay? We can be- "

"No, Yoona." He grabbed her arms and unhooked them from around his body and stepped back from the girl. "I explained it to you, I want to work on things with my marriage, you need to respect that." He tried to reject as her, yet he had to admit his heart squeezed in his chest a bit when he saw the hurt reflecting in her eyes.

Then he heard a breathless laugh escape her lips, "Fine. It'll just crumble right in front of you, no matter what you do! But okay, Chanyeol! Waste your time with such a lost cause!" He watched as she turned around making her way towards the door. "And when your shitty marriage falls from underneath you once and for all, don't come crying back to me."

He heard the small slam echo in his office room as she made her way out.He knew she did had a reason to lash out on him and he understood he deserved every last painful word. Chanyeol sighed and took a seat at his desk. He glanced over at the picture of him and Baekhyun on their one-year anniversary and one question evaded his head.

'Am I really wasting my time?'

And he hated himself so much that he'd even think of such a thing.

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